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"Unnie!!! We're gonna be late!! Hurry up!" Hyejin yelled at her older sister Hyena. "Okay! Okay! I'm done!" Hyena said. The two twins immediately rushed out of their house and ran their way to school as they were running late.

Luckily, they managed to arrive at least 15 minutes before their first period started. The twins laughed at each other as if nothing in the world had mattered. You see, their mother was in the hospital (suffering from a terminal illness) and the twins did everything they could to pay the hospital bills and give comfort to their mother. The twins each paid half of the bills each; whilst Hyena paid half by tutoring people, Hyejin paid the other half by doing multiple part-time jobs.

They both made their way to class but on the way they bumped into Kang Yeseo, Hyena's Rival.


"Ugh! Move out of the way Hyena!" Yeseo said, but it seems that she said another thing under her breath that wasn't supposed to be heard by anyone. But I heard it. She huffed out a big breath before whispering out that my sister is annoying. I know that Yeseo may be mean and very annoying but I'm sure that she has a kind soul but has just been raised in a different way to how other kids are.

To be completely honest with you, I understand her desire to get into SNU (Seoul National University). I want to get into SNU too but I think that she got a bit obsessed to get into the school.... Okay Fine! She got very obsessed.

*Dareureung! Dareureung!(naega ni nuna yah~! <I love you if you get it)*

"Yeseo-ah! Would you like to walk with unnie and i to class?" i said with a smile to convince her.

"I'm okay with you but if Kim Hyena comes along then I'd rather not go along with you. Sorry Hyejin" Yeseo replied. You see, I get along with Yeseo but when unnie is involved, she'd rather not be with me.

"It's alright Yeseo. I'll see you after then. Bye!" i said as we waved at each other. As soon as she left, unnie started to tell me,

"Why did you invite her to walk with us?!? You know she and I don't get along at all! And besides she's annoying"

"Unnie you should try and get along with her no matter how annoying she is. Sure i find everyone annoying sometimes but i have to try and understand from their perspective as well"

" *sigh* I have no idea how i am related to you"

"Unnie!" and with that, she ran away from me as I chased her.

Whilst running, I ran into Kijoon's shoulder. He acted as if he had just got shot whilst saying, "Oh Hyejin-ah! That hurt you know. Why were you running anyways?"

"Well I was chasing my sister until we ran into each other so she has probably already reached class." When I turned my attention away from him, I saw his brother, Cha Seojoon and the new kid. "Eo?! Seojoon oppa hi!"

"Hi Hyejin-ah!"

"What's your name, new kid?"

"I'm Hwang Woojoo. I'm guessing your name is Hyejin from what Kijoon said."

"Wahhh! Guess we got a smart boy! *insert giggle*".


The Cha twins and Hyejin laughed. Whilst they were laughing, they didn't notice the Woojoo was blushing due to Hyejin's comment.

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