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Luke's POV

I needed somebody to watch Lilly while I filled out the adoption forms, so I decided to ask my mom.

To Mom💝
I am adopting a girl and could you watch her while I fill out the forms?

From Mom💝
Sure, Im going to be a grandma!!!!!😃

5hours later

"I don wa to mea neaw peapwall!" Lilly told me.

"You'll like Grandma Liz." I said trying to reson with her.

"Wiw Grawa Liz hewert me?"

"No she will not."

"Fwine, iwll go."

So then after I finally got her into the car, I drove to Mom's house. Lilly wanted me to carry her, so I did, and then we rang the doorbell to the house I grew up in.

"Hello!" my Mom said as she opened the door.

"Hi Mom, This is Lilly." i said.

"Grawa Liz?" Lilly questioned.

"Yes that's me!" my Mom said a little bit over excited.

"I'll be back ok, you have fun." I said while handing Lilly to my mom.

I know this is a filler, but I will have some serious plot coming up.😂

Sorry about the spelling I didn't check before I uploded.

Also the song has nothing to do with this story except for it being stuck in my head.

Minnie-me(5sos adoption fanfic) Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now