Chapter 18 🍵

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Sooyun's POV
"Can I open the bag now?"I asked Mashiho.

"It's a surprise, so open it when you go home," He smiled.

I smiled and nodded.  I was really curious about what was in the bag.  It seemed pretty light.

"Sooyun, are you close with the barista?" Mashiho asked all of the sudden.

"Which one?"


"He's a very good friend of mine,"I smiled.  "I met him recently, but he's very nice."

"It sounds like you two are pretty close,"He looked down.

"Are you jealous?"I asked him.

"No no, I'm not jealous," He laughed.

We arrived at my house and I said goodbye and walked towards my door.

"Wait, Sooyun,"Mashiho called out.


"Text me when you open the bag."

I nodded and waved goodbye and went inside.  I said hi to my parents and went inside my room.

Why am I so nervous to open this bag?

I took a couple of deep breaths before I opened it.


It was a small teddy bear and a bracelet. The bracelet had my name on it. There was also a card in the bag.

"Sooyun, thank you for going on a date with me. Let's go on another one again. The next time, let's go drink some iced matcha green tea like before. You made me really happy. I hope you enjoy your present. Thank you again!

Another date? Iced matcha green tea?

I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at it and saw that Junkyu messaged me.


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What does he want to talk about?

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What does he want to talk about?

Junkyu's POV
"We are meeting up tomorrow,"I told Jihoon on the phone.

"Good job good job. You can do it I know you can," Jihoon said. "You have to make your move before her ex does."

"You're right."

"But, I have a question. What do you like so much about her? You just met her not too long ago. Perhaps, was it love at first sight?"

"What are you talking about?"I asked. "I don't know. She just makes me feel happy and as if my heart is going to go faster and faster every time I see her."

"You didn't really answer my question.  Do you like her personality, her looks, like specifically what do you like about her?"

"I like her smile and she's really nice.  She's pretty and whenever she laughs or smiles, it makes me smile.  She just makes me happy."

"What a love story,"I could hear him clapping through the phone.  "I'm going to eat now, so good luck tomorrow."

I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to do.  Every time I thought about it, my heart would beat faster and faster.  I was going to do it though.

And no one is going to stop me from doing it.

The Next Day
Junkyu's POV
It was already the next day.  What am I about to get into?  The café was already closing soon.

"Jihoon.  What if I can't do it?  What if Mashiho goes to her?  I always have bad timing,"I told Jihoon.

"Don't think about him.  Think about her and her response,"He points at Sooyun.

"Right right. Her response only,"I took a deep breath.

Time went by even faster and it was already time to close. I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to do.

You need good timing Junkyu. Perfect timing. Right out the door, no Mashiho.

"You go ahead, I'll do the closing today,"Jihoon said to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. You need some good timing after all. Look, she's leaving."

"Thank you thank you so much,"I looked over and saw Sooyun leaving and I patted his shoulder. "You're a great friend.

I quickly clocked out and walked out of the care and took a couple of deep breaths before I called out Sooyun's name.

And this time, there was no Mashiho.

Sooyun turned around and had a huge smile on her face. Honestly, my heart skipped a beat when I saw her. She started walking towards me and I got even more nervous.

"Yes?"She smiled at me.

"I have something to tell you,"I said.

"What do you have to tell me?"She tilted her head.

"Well I-I-I um,"I couldn't stop stuttering. "I think you're an amazing girl and I know that we just met recently, but I would like to take you on a date."

I did it.  I really did it.

"A date?"She asked.

She looked concerned. 

Did I do something wrong?  Stupid Junkyu, you should've never asked.


2020 is about to become 2021 in just a couple of more days. How do you guys feel?

 Matcha Green Tea 🍵 Kim Junkyu Where stories live. Discover now