The Game

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The portrait swung open to reveal the Gryffindor common room. You stepped through and peered around before seeing your best friends, along with Fred, George, Lee Jordan, Ginny, Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor quidditch captain, and the 3 Chasers. They were all sat by the fire on the other side of the room, Oliver, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione taking up the seats around the fire while the rest lounged on the floor.

Ron glanced towards the door and saw you walking over to the group. He jumped up quickly and made his way over to you. "Y/n, you made it!" he said, smiling widely as he grabbed your arm and sat you down on the floor in front of Hermione, plopping down next to you.

"So, what are we going to do ?" you ask, looking around the group.


After a few rounds of Exploding Snap, some muggle games Hermione told them about, and other wizarding games, everyone sat by the fire once more and sighed, a smile glued to every one of their faces.

From the corner of your eye, you saw Fred and George exchange a look. "We know what we can play now", they said in unison, a look of mischief dawning on their expression. George took an empty bottle out from underneath the nearest seat and said, "spin the bottle".

Your eyes grew wide as everyone laughed and agreed to play it. Is this really what it's like to be in Gryffindor? Man, the people in Slytherin are goofy, but never like this... You thought, nodding your head in agreement to the game.

"Alright, alright! Who wants to go first? No one? Guess I'll go first," George said, hardly containing his excitement as he spun the bottle in front of him.

It spun slowly to a stop, pointing to Angelina Johnson, a Gryffindor chaser. Her face lit up with enthusiasm as she shuffled shyly over to George, who was already sat up and waiting for her.

They leaned in towards each other, but before their lips met, George glanced at you and winked. You rolled your eyes at him and smiled. He closed his eyes as Angelina kissed him softly, cupping his cheek with the palm of her hand.

"I bet they'll be going out in no time. They'd be so cute together!" Hermione
whispered in your ear. You nodded in agreement as George and Angelina's lips parted, their eyes never leaving each other's faces.

"Get a room you two, we haven't finished the game yet", Fred laughed as he took the bottle from George's grasp.

He spun the bottle and it clinked to a stop only a few inches from your shoe. "Well? Did it land on Y/n or Hermione?" Harry asked from Ron's other side. Your eyes followed the direction the bottle pointed to and looked behind you to see Hermione's face bright red.

"Guess it's 'Mione then," Katie Bell smirked. Hermione slid down the sofa slowly, too embarrassed to go over to Fred. "For goodness sake Hermione, it's only a kiss," you say, pushing her softly towards Fred.

Fred grinned down at her as she made her way cautiously towards him. He leaned down towards her and grabbed her chin gently with his forefinger and thumb; you saw her melt slightly into his hand. You stifled a laugh as you held your breath, waiting for the moment of impact.

Fred tilted his head and brought his lips to Hermione's, kissing her gently, but passionately. You look to your right and saw Ron and Harry gaping at Fred, the shock setting in that their best friend was kissing Ron's older brother.

You scoffed quietly before reaching over to them and tapping their chins upward, shutting their mouths.

You heard Harry curse under his breath, something about "I bit my tongue".

Hermione and Fred had broken apart from one another already, Hermione hurrying back over to you, her face flushed red.

She clambered back onto the sofa and pulled her legs close to her chest, a meek smile spread across her blushed face.

A Hogwarts Love Story- Ron Weasley x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now