A fem foolish once good men part 3

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A few days later Elena was sitting on the porch swing crocheting while letting her thoughts run in whatever direction they want. She hadn't talked to Bonnie since her Grams funeral, still feeling betrayed by what the Bennett witches had planned to do in the tomb.

"What are you doing out here?" Jenna asked as came over while sipping on her coffee.

"Thinking, crocheting, planning world domination." Elena shrugged.

"So, the usual then?" Jenna laughed.

"Yeah, basically." Elena smiled back.

"So, you remember how I told you I would do some digging about the adoption?" Jenna asked and at Elenas interested not she continued. "Well, I might have found something. Come inside and I'll tell you."

Elena put away her work in her special hobby bag and followed Jenna. As the two of the sat down at the dinner table, Jenna pulled out her laptop. "Your dad kept everything from his medical practice – records, logs, old appointment books, etc. I found an entry from the night you were born. Patient and a birth date; Isobel Peterson."

"But you don't think that is her real name, do you?" Elena looked at Jenna with a frown.

"Pregnant teenage runaway? Probably not. First name, maybe. But where'd she get Peterson? Classmate? Best friend? So, I binged it." Jenna pulled up the right internet page and typed in a name in the search engine. "I searched for all the Petersons in this area born the same year as Isobel and found 3 – 2 men and a woman, Trudie, who lived in Grove Hill, Virginia."

"That's not far from here." Elena hummed softly.

"Watch this." Jenna typed something else into the search engine and pulled up and image of Isobel from high school.

"So that's Isobel." Elena just looked at the screen.

"Trudie still lives there." Jenna smiled and handed Elena a post-it note with an address on it. "This is her address."

"Aunt Jenna, if the whole psychology thing doesn't work out you could start your own business as a private investigator." Elena told Jenna, impressed, making Jenna blush at the compliment.

"Sadly, I couldn't find anything about Isobel." Jenna frowned uncertainly. "There is something else though. Ric, Mr. Saltzman, his wife was from around here and her name was Isobel."

"Wait, 'was' as in...?" Elena asked.

"She died." Jenna said softly.

Well, they weren't wrong, per say, Isobel was dead, just not completely. Wait a minute...if Ric had been/was technically still married to her biological mother that made him her stepfather, right?? And he was also dating her aunt making him her sort of step-uncle...

'Oh My God...this sounds more and more like the plot of a very, very bad porn flick by the minute.' Elena thought in disgust.

A couple of hours later Elena was folding her laundry as she talked to Stefan who was sitting on her bed.

"So, Alaric's wife might have been your biological mother?" Stefan asked shocked.

"The way my life is going, it wouldn't fucking surprise me." Elena muttered. "I have the address for her friend Trudie."

"You wanna talk to her?" Stefan asked gently.

"I don't know. Both yes and no." Elena shrugged. "I'll admit to being curious."

"Elena did Jenna tell you anything about Alaric's wife?" Stefan wondered. "How she died?"

"No, just that she was killed and the case was never solved." Elena looked over at him and when she saw that he wasn't surprised she said. "You already knew."

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