Chapter Three - Real Awkward, Real Fast.

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Charlie! Time to get up!"


5 minutes later.

"Charlie, I hope you're awake!"


7 minutes later.

"Charlotte Alexandria Lewis you get your ass up right now!"

"Go away."

My mom huffed across the room and ripped off my blankets.

"I tried being nice the first time. But now Mom-zilla has been unleashed." She said, teeth clenched. I opened my eyes to slits and looked at her. "So get up, Charlie. We have things to do!"

"Today's a lazy day. Let me sleep." I countered. I closed my eyes and turned my back to her, sinking into the giant pillow.

"No. Today Harry is coming over and he's going to watch you while I meet a coordinator at work. Get up, get dressed, get ready, and put on a happy face." My mom scolded. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly.

"HARRY'S GOING TO BABYSIT ME?!" I shrieked in fear. My mom frowned at me and folded her arms.

"Yes." She simply stated.

"No! Mom I'm eighteen I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." I replied.

"You two need to bond. For my sake." My mom said in a softer tone. "I want you guys to have a good friendship. Please, Charlie." My mom pleaded with a total change of attitude. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I heavily sighed and stood up. I was still almost a foot shorter than my mom. "I'll be good." I said tiredly. My mom quickly gave me a hug and then released me.

"Thank you!" She cheered as she left my room and hurried down the stairs. I sighed and shuffled through my closet, throwing on some cleaner sweatpants and an old t-shirt. I'm not looking so attractive today, people.

I was trying to figure out the channels in the living room when my mom announced that Harry would be here soon. I waved it off and continued trying to sift through the annoying British programs and find something I actually recognized. I settled on re-runs of some music show to pass the time.

"Ello, beautifuls." I heard his sickeningly cheerful British voice ring through the house. I glanced up at him and he was shaking some rain from his umbrella. He used an umbrella to walk fifteen feet in the rain? Pathetic.

"Hello, Harry!" My mom cheered as she emerged from the kitchen to greet him in the living room. They quickly kissed, which earned a disgusted groan from me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mom glare at me.

"Hello, Charlotte. How are you?" Harry asked, removing his loafers by the door. I sighed.

"Fine." I replied, busying myself with the television remote.

"Is there anything you want to do today? We have literally all day to do whatever we want." Harry came and sat on the opposite side of the couch that made an 'L'. I shrugged, and tried to focus on the foreign music competition show I was watching.

And then all of a sudden...

"ONE DIRECTION!!!" Followed by cheers of an audience. Five child-like boys were seated on a giant stage, with blood-shot eyes.

"Turn arou-"

"No, no, no, no, no." I chanted desperately right as I switched the channel

"Hmph, they still play re-runs of when we were on X Factor, eh?" Harry then said. I rolled my eyes and watched some chef whip up a fancy meal.

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