𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐧

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pretty setter squad 😩
[ akaashi keiji, oikawa tooru,
ennoshita y/n, sugawara koushi,
kageyama tobio, miya atsumu,
kozume kenma ]
10:55 a.m.

super smart 😸
ken ken
can you come meet me at the front?

bottom bitch 😌
yeah, i'll be there in a minute

agkaashii 🥴
why don't you guys use private messages?

super smart 😸
good point
and because this chat was already at the top, and i don't wanna scroll all the way down to find kenma's name

agkaashii 🥴

piss baby <3
good morning fuckers
y/n are you tutoring at nekoma today 🤨

super smart 😸
morning tsumuuu
ye i am
i'm actually tutoring ken ken today 🤭

bottom bitch 😌
okay i'm here where are you?

super smart 😸
by the sign

bottom bitch 😌
that's in the back y/n.
for someone so smart you really are fucking stupid

scum of the earth 🤬
jeez and i thought meanie - chan was mean 🤭

super smart 😸
again, i'm only mean to you.

piss baby <3
y/n is an angel how dare you 😧

super smart 😸
aw ty tsumu 🥺

piss baby <3
ugh anything for you angel 🙄‼️


Scum of the earth 🤬

super smart 😸
ken ken where are you mf 🙄
save me

bottom bitch 😌
i had to walk to the complete other side of the school because you don't know how to tell the front of a school from the back.

super smart 😸
>:( they look the same

piss baby <3
aw ken ken don't be mean to y/n :(

bottom bitch 😌
i tell you a million times to stop calling me that and now you have your friends calling me it 🙄

super smart 😸
sorry ken ken, that's just how it be 😌

bottom bitch 😌
remind me why i talk to you again

super smart 😸
because you love me and because i'm SUCH a gReAt person 😼

bottom bitch 😌
i'm here, come on.

super smart 😸
bye guys!! i have to go make sure ken ken isn't failing <3

do y'all wanna see irl stuff in here, or should i keep it as a text fic 🤨 i'm leaning towards irl cause i wanna have oikawa and y/n meet soon, but it's up to you guys tbh

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