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y/n's eyes widened. she looked down and laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. "what a surprise, i didn't think you were capable of knowing anything." she didn't really mean to insult him, but it was the least embarrassing thing that popped into her head. "anyway, enlighten me, what do you know?" she added.
"a little birdy said that y/n-chan had a crush on me." the way he said something so embarrassing so casually only made it worse. it was like in movies when you watched the character do something embarrassing, and you felt it more than they did. "that's stupid! who the hell told you that?" her angry tone only went to show that it wasn't in fact stupid, but true.
he smiled a smug smile at her, "your brother. and our lovely setter groupchat." she let out a groan, burying her face in her hands. "little fucking snitches!" her face felt like it was going to melt off.
a small laugh, and then oikawa's hands on her wrists prying her own hands from her face. "oh, come on y/n-chan! don't be embarrassed. it's cute!" his words only made her more embarrassed. "stop saying shit like that!" she swatted his hands away, crossing her arms over her chest. "what? does it bother you when i call you cute?" he teased. how was it that he was both infuriating and cute?
"you're such a bitch." she mumbled, which he only laughed at. "i'm sorry, y/n-chan. that is why you were upset though, yeah? cause i went on a date with that girl." he asked, for clarification. "i wasn't mad." she shrugged. "i was confused. and sad." she finished.
oikawa frowned a bit. "i didn't do it to piss you off, you know. you remember that day you came to tutor mad dog, and mattsun and makki went to get me from the locker room? they knew how i felt about you, and called you my girlfriend and stuff. i knew that you didn't like me back, and so iwa said that if i wouldn't man up and tell you, then i should get over you. so he set me up with that girl. obviously it blew up in my face, so when the group chat found out that you were upset, they kind of just knew it was my fault. and then, oddly enough, i get a message from your brother one day and he's gotta be the most civil person i've ever met." he explained the entire thing, but y/n stopped functioning after 'they knew how i felt about you.' he meant that he hated her, right? that he found her obnoxious.
he saw the shocked expression on her face and sighed, a small smile on his face. "don't have a heart attack on me, y/n-chan." he patted her head cautiously, as to not set her off. "i— uh." it was the only thing she could produce. "don't act so surprised y/n-chan. i wasn't exactly good at hiding it." he was right, he wasn't. but she had always assumed it was because he was by nature a flirty person.
"you deadass right now?" she raised her eyebrows, to which he nodded, smiling at her choice of words. "very deadass." she couldn't help but smile a little. "aw! cute!" he gushed, which made her cringe. "shut up." she groaned, rolling her eyes playfully.
"so are we like—" she trailed off awkwardly, motioning her hand between the two of them. "nope! not until i come up with some spectacular way to ask you." he answered her, beaming. she shook her head at his smile, before holding out her hand expectantly. he seemed confused for a moment, but then understood. he looked at it cautiously, "really?" she nodded curtly, raising an eyebrow. "take it or leave it, twink."
"hmph." he hummed, lacing his fingers with her own, his cocky smile shining brightly. "come on, i gotta kick my brothers ass." and they were off, hand in hand, to kick her brothers ass.