Why Don't People Think They're Beautiful?

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Our culture is so based on looks and on "You have to be better than everyone else." Some people really believe it. I know some people who think they're ugly. But when I look inside of them, I see this beautiful person who has so much to say... So much to do in this world. And I look and them and wonder who they are. Who they really are. Who they're going to become. God has a perfect plan for each human being on this earth. And that plan is going to happen, whether or not you believe in Him.
Plus, I think that everyone is beautiful. Even if they're not so beautiful on the inside, they're still absolutely gorgeous on the outside.
I always like to think of Kim Kardashian. Yes, I do think that it is wrong to show off your body like that to the world. But this woman... She's proud of it. She's proud of how she was made. And she's not afraid to show people. She knows she's beautiful.
Hey, and why does it even matter what you look like? It's like... WHO CARES? I don't. Sure, it's nice to present yourself nicely, but why should it even matter what you look like?
What made me really start to think about this is the fact that before I figured this out, I thought I was ugly too. As in, UGLY. My hair is a rat, (I still think that) I didn't think I was pretty, and I just felt WAY TOO SKINNY. Like, I am really skinny. Scratch that. REALLY REALLY skinny.
Anyways, I was unhappy with how the Creator made me. I didnt like myself.
The one thing about me is that I try to always be a builder-upper. You know what I mean? I try to build other people up. And when people around me thought they were ugly, I found myself telling them that they were beautiful. I told them they were unique the same way everyone is. Which is true, it's not like I was just saying that to be nice. And when I heard myself saying these words, I realized that I should be saying them to myself. Because I thought the same way about myself, and I was telling these people that they were beautiful, and God made them perfectly. Because He did. And He made me perfectly too. I didnt really realize that.
And let me just clear this a little. It's okay to look nice, to dress up. But when you become obsessed with how you look, or get to the point that you think you're ugly, it's not okay. You shouldn't be obsessed with how you look. But. You just need to think about how God made you perfect. Not as in, flawless, but He made you EXACTLY the way he wants you to be.
So why do people think they're ugly??

That all came from the heart at 5:30 AM. I think that every bit of it is absolutely great. Please comment if you read this. Tell me your opinions on this.
And if you have a problem about me talking about God, Jesus Christ, or anything related to Christianity that I talked about in this, please just leave it. If you don't like it, don't read it. I can't change your ideas on that kind of thing.

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