Space Oddiety

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Hii, my name is Vincent (my frienedw call me voiddd) Today i was promoted to comander becs im so smart and stronk. I hd stole teh emo chip n mad lore anig n he luv me now he hd android down ther dic

i was dressied up for the nite with my vey striaght blck like void 9get it its my nickname) my, army boots tht evadded the uni form regulaserayions because i am cool with teh house of comons of the space and th lore. I lik to wear4 the lores clothes when hes away bt he was here tonite. lore and i rly like eavhother. He doest like human but he liks me becus off my stregth and smartness.

'Helo void! Ure wearing m boots!! Congrats on the porono ta comandr.'

'donut call my void, lore, antisocial mean man, data is better thn u' he hated data coz of when he boomed up a planet s he could liv. And data KILLED hm

Crystl i was comaner of teh crysl fleet bcs it was the 6000 n lore was 3 to luv me bcs of my hot an smort

I teleportd to th prono an cake ws put in my mouth wile kick an spick (hhahah that rimed)  madout in th space wit cak. evryon did thne liv lon and prosper with the space bcs i am RESPECTED but the all secretly hat on me bcs my goth blck eys an human vibs. Is not my fault the stoopid cling on ws waring wit us wit ther

'Ahdvhsebcf' spek. Ew.

Teh clingons boomd int the crystl fleet as i thouht thoughts (ew ones) and i realisd my vulcan heritage bcs of the predict. Spick stop macking on kirk to lock on me and mind meddled to sav the crystl US fleet but even tho I was very strong I coundnt becs i was only jus becam vulcan
my now pointt ears herd ther demans-


we all gased!! why wold they want heather?!?!?!..........

'She didt do the disswasher..'... (jk but heaters a bith bcs i hd to do hr day tody)

A/N my sis is men and anitisockal so u get cliffhanged...DONT HATE PLES, IM KNEW TO WRITTING.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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