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"Your adorable as hell but I'm glancing at your wrists." Titus whispers in my ear, nearly causing me to have a heart attack. "That probably means your going to be trouble."

I had stepped out of the stuffy party to take a smoke which Titus thought was the perfect time to come and ruin my time alone.

"Then stop looking and go inside." I say, suddenly feeling self conscious at the fact that he noticed them.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" He asks, taking a cigarette from his pocket and leaning towards me to light it.

"Because I hate myself." I say, watching the flame ignite the tiny piece of paper.

"Why?" He pushes as he puts the cigarette to his lips, inhaling.

"Just...shut up, okay?" I say, getting more irritated.


We stood there a while longer. "Just tell me one thing."

"Oh my god." I begin.

"I'm sorry." He says, putting his hands up in defense.

Sure, he was hot as hell but that didn't mean I liked him and not even as a friend.

"Is India single?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I slowly turn to look at him. "Are you kidding me?"

"Just wondering." He says in defense again.

I roll my eyes. "Prick." I mutter under my breath.

"Excuse me?" He asks, although I'm pretty sure he heard me.

"Never mind. Whatever." I say hopping back up the concrete steps. "By the way, India only has fuck boys. That girl couldn't even keep a cat for a day without losing it." And with that I step up into the door and back into the stuffy room of dancing bodies.

I already hate him. Guys who act like they cared one minute and the completely turn into dicks in a second aren't worth any girls time.

Thankfully there was pizza here, I was starving. My stomach reminded me of that every five seconds, so I almost shoved the whole box in my mouth before looking for something to drink.

The beer here sucked but I grabbed one from the cooler in the kitchen anyways, and almost chugged it.

"Whoa, slow down." A boy with black hair comes over and rips the beer from my grasp.

"What are you doing?" I spit, looking up and seeing a familiar face.

"Miller." I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He had set the beer I was drinking down on the counter behind me.

"What's good?" He asks, releasing his grip from around my waist.

"Nothing, I my life sucks."

"C'mon, it can't be that bad." He grabs a beer from the fridge and pops it open with his perfect teeth.

"Well it is and I hate it." I roll my eyes.

"You still a virgin." He sets his beer down on the island. "Everything?" He looks me up and down.

I was a virgin, everything. I never even had a boyfriend or a first kiss, and I am definitely still an actual sex virgin.

"Yeah." I say shyly looking down.

Miller was India's brother and he graduated last year but he sometimes shows up to parties. I haven't seen him in a few months though. He and India don't really talk anymore due to him beating up her ex-boyfriend, but that's a whole different story.

"That's too bad." He walks over to me and slams two big hands on either side of my waist. "You are looking so fine tonight." He whispers, causing chills to go up and down my spine.

"Thanks." I reply, guys don't usually talk to me like this. Actually no guys ever talks to me. It's a scientific fact that I am unattractive to the male species, or any species for that matter.

"Mhm." His full lips brush my ear. "Unless you want to give it all away to me. Because I am down for that."

"Miller." I lightly push at his broad chest.

"No I understand." He scoots back clearing his throat.

"Your very attractive and it has nothing to do with yo-" I start.

"Elow. I get it, it's fine. I would never force you to do anything that you didn't want to do." He walks away grabbing his beer on the way out, he was clearly frustrated but I wasn't ready to give all my purity up.

I take a deep breath and all of a sudden I see Titus standing in the kitchen doorway. "Wow."

"Why are you even here? That's my question." I spit at him.

"Just...um. I'm new in town and Oscar was nice enough to be a friend to me and invite me to a party." He nervously says, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.

"You just lied to me. Whatever, I don't even care. As long as you don't talk to me." I say pushing away from the counter.

"What did I do? I just want to know." He asks, completely clueless.

"Nothing." I reply, walking off down the hall.

"Wait." He calls after me.

I hurry and get in the crowd of sweaty bodies before he could catch up to me. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone, my depression was already starting to creep back up into my mind.

I had to find someone so they could take me home. After searching for a while I see Skye and rush towards her.

"Skye!" I call, getting her attention. "Can you take me back home. I'm not feeling well."

She nods leaving Oscar and a guy with blonde hair alone to continue their conversation without her.

Oscar and Skye had been dating for the past two years and were planning on getting married right out of high school. But we all know those marriages never work out.

"Sorry. I'm just sleepy and it's already 2." I explain as we walk out of the brick building.

"It's fine, babe. How was therapy today?" She asks as she takes out the keys to unlock the car.

"Eh, my therapist is cool." I reply shortly before hopping in the passenger seat.

"Good." She says after starting the car.

The ride there was nothing special except we did see three dead skunks. I loved Portland but I wanted to get out of this town. Everything was the same. I swear I saw three dead skunks a couple days ago.

"Here ya go." Skye says, unlocking the door. She had parked in the alleyway behind my house so that way my parents didn't hear anything.

"Bye, I love you." I say getting out.

She blew a kiss before speeding off. Ugh, I miss my old school. My friends. I am definitely faking sick tomorrow.

After opening the back yard gate and stepping in a few muddy puddles, I climbed up the trellis that was connected to my window.

I slipped through the window and was quick to shut it before anymore cold air could come in.

"Elowen." My fathers voice says as he clicks on the light, startling me.


I turn around to see my parents sitting on my bed.

Well I'm screwed. Also there goes my plan of faking sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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