twenty-six || bees that produce milk

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Cash made his way to his room, a dumb smile playing on his lips as he thought of the curly blonde haired girl in the kitchen. He plopped on his bed, phone in his hands as he unlocked the screen.

Opening Instgram, he saw his video of him singing had recieved new comments. Without hesitation, he clicked on the video and scrolled through the comments.

'yikes bro stick to schoolwork it's what you're good at'

'is this about that girl staying at your house? seems like she would be like a sister to you'

'ouch, my ears are bleeding'

Cash continued to scroll through the comments, knowing that he shouldn't. He had to pry his eyes away from the screen after reading more comments, his mind racing with a mix of emotions. Every one encouraging comment that was posted came with more five hate comments. With a hurting head and an angry mind, Cash threw his phone to the ground, hearing it bounce off the carpet and land near the wall.

Running his hand through his hair, Cash laid in his bed above his covers, his eyes trained on the ceiling. He close his eyes, knowing that if they were to open then he wouldn't be able to stop the tears from falling. Cash knew he was never one for constructive criticism but as soon as he read Bradi's name in one of the comments he had had enough.

"Cash?" The boy say right up, staring at his door as if he could see right through it. He knew exactly who was standing on the other side and he knew he wouldn't be able to face her when he was feeling so vulnerable.

"Yeah," his voice was hoarse and he coughed, trying to clear it. He rested his elbows on his knees, hands pulling on his hair.

"Can I come in?" Bradi asked. Cash squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled deeply.

"Bradi," Cash looked back at the closed door. "I think I just want to be alone." He knew the girl was going to be upset by his answer and he could perfectly envision the look on Bradi's face.

"Are you sure? Did something happen?" Bradi asked, her voice muffled by the piece of wood dividing the two teens.

"No, nothing happened," Cash tried hard to not make his voice crack. When the girl asked if he was sure he wanted to be alone again, Cash clenched his jaw.

"Jesus, Bradi, I'm fine," he snapped. He knew the girl would probably be fidgeting with her fingers at this point but he just wanted to be alone.

"Okay," was the last thing he heard from her before he heard receding footsteps and the sound of a door closing.

About an hour later, Cash got up finally grabbing his phone and laying back in bed. He absolutely knew that he should've looked through the comments again but he physically couldn't stop himself. It was now dark outside, the only light being shone into Cash's room was the moon.

'you sound like you're dying'

'^ maybe dying wouldn't be such a bad idea for you'

Cash wiped a tear from his eye before it fell down his cheek.

'write any more songs for your girlfriend?'

Cash dropped his phone onto his bed calmly and made his way to the door. He opened it slowly, peeking out to see his sisters room was closed, his mom's however, was wide open. He knew for a fact that she was out with Rob again tonight. He saw Bradi's door was open a crack and he couldn't stop himself from peeking in.

He saw her, sleeping peacefully unde the covers. She heard him before she saw him. As he got closer, she saw his silhouette in the reflection of the window. Bradi turned over as he came closer. Cash froze when she saw him. He was ready for her to kick him out but instead, she just pulled the covers back and patted the space next to her.

Cash didn't hesitate to crawl in bed next to her. He laid on his back and Bradi scooted closer. She didn't know why Cash was irradiated earlier but she knew it had nothing to do with her. She didn't know what was wrong and she didn't know how to make it better. What she did know, however, was how to distract him.

"So," Bradi started. She placed her head on his chest, a steady hand on his stomach as she felt his arm go around her waist as an instinct, pulling her closer to him. "Yesterday at school Faith told me a joke. Do you want to hear it?" She asked Cash who hummed in response.

"What do you call bees who produce milk?" Bradi asked. When the boy didn't answer, she continued. "Boo-bees," she heard the boy laugh softly, his stomach going up and down as he tried not to wake his sister sleeping next door.

"That was funny," Cash spoke, a smile on his lips once again. Bradi didn't have to look at the boy to know he was smiling. Feeling content with herself, she slid her hand towards Cash's side, hugging him slightly.

"Goodnight," she whispered.

"'Night," Cash responded. His mind was still racing of hate comments from earlier but lying there with Bradi, he learn to forget all about that. She seemed to do that to him; make him forget about the bad and focus on the good.

And in Cash's mind, 'the good' was another word for the girl laying on him named Bradi.


skdjdkkad i have a new story idea but i want to finish one of my other stories before i start a new one

happy halloween btw :)


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