thirty-three || you're mine

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"You invited him?" Cash gritted his teeth and shut his door, eyes on his little sister that stood by the window, watching people in the backyard.

"Yeah, so?" Lani mumbled, playing with a loose string on her dress.

"Did we both witness what he did to you years ago?" Cash asked, crossing his arms. He didn't mean to be this stern but she was his little sister and he loved her.

"Okay one, almost did. Two, it almost happened years ago," Lani stood up straight, she didn't need her older brother telling her what to do.

"Weren't you the one telling me that he was toxic?" Cash asked his sister.

"Yeah, I recall doing that. But he's changed," Lani tried convincing her brother. She had convinced herself that he's changed. The two had hung out previously. Just once, downtown at the cafe. Josh wanted to apologize for the way he acted and Lani accepted his apology.

"People don't change," Cash scoffed.

"You did," Lani remarked, "when Bradi came here."

"How did I change?" Cash asked his sister, rolling up his sleeves so they went to his forearms.

"You're happy now," Lani's voice was quiet and Cash stayed silent. The girl was right, he was happy and it was because of the girl currently talking to Josh in the backyard.

Cash peaked out the window and caught sight of Bradi smiling at Josh who was talking. He watched Bradi put a finger up, to tell Josh to wait a minute after he was done talking. Cash watched the girl step aside, pull her phone out and type something. Seconds later, Cash's phone chimed.

Bradi: he's talking about her

Bradi: he's talking about lani with the biggest smile on his face

Cash slipped his phone in his pocket and faced his sister again.

"Fine," he sighed. "You can--- be with Josh," Cash spoke and watched his sister's face light up. When he saw his sister look out his window, searching for the boy she so desperately wanted to see, Cash groaned. "Go see him yoj dummy," he ruffled Lani's hair and she giggled, rushing out his room, him following behind her.

It was starting to get dark and Cash had a bit of trouble finding Bradi in the backyard. Once he did find her, however, she was by Faith unsurprisingly. He gentle took hold of her forearm. Bradi immediately got the hint and shot Faith a smile.

"Don't forget protection," Faith told the two. Cash laughed out loud and Bradi felt her face turn red, praying Cash couldn't see but he did and he found it utterly adorable.

"She really has no filter, does she?" Cash asked, leading Bradi to the front of the house again.

"Not really," Bradi giggled. "Where are we going." She asked, laughter dying down. Nobody was out front, most likely enjoying the party taking place in back of the house.

"Here," Cash stopped, his hands immediately going to Bradi's waist, her's going to his chest. Bradi looked around and furrowed her eyebrows.



"We're in the middle of the street," Bradi pointed out. "Why?"

"Because," Cash leaned in, pecking Bradi's lips. "I wanted to do that," he added, smiling. Bradi scrunched her nose, confused.

"Did that have to be done in the street?" She asked, gesturing to the dark, empty street the two were currently standing in the middle of.

"Well, I want to do something else too, but it may be stupid," Cash mumbled.

"I like stupid things," Bradi told Cash, moving her hands to fix the collar on Cash's button up shirt.

"I- I want to dance," Cash spoke so quickly that Bradi had to blink a few times, processing what the boy had just said. She just smiled to herself, placing one of her hands on Cash's shoulder, holding the other one out for the boy to take. Both of them stayed quiet, the only noise being the music playing inside the house that could be heard from the street they were dancing in.

"Bradi?" Cash mumbled after a little while.


"Be mine," he spoke. Bradi froze their movements, feeling Cash's thumb lightly rub across her knuckles. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much but she couldn't help it.

"Okay," Bradi responded in a giddy voice that she couldn't control.

"Really?" Cash asked, his eyebrows up so high they could push his hairline back.

"Only if you're mine?" Bradi responded, her words coming out in more of a question.

"Anytime, anywhere," Cash answered, shaking his head. Cash let go of Bradi's waist, one hand still clasped with hers as he spun her around. He watched her stumble and laugh, regaining her posture and coming close to Cash again.

"How are Lani and Josh?" Bradi asked, leaning her cheek on Cash's chest, feeling his heartbeat.

"I gave her my blessing," Cash joked. "I just don't want her to get hurt. She's my little sister, you know?" Bradi nodded against Cash's body before answering.

"She's smart, she'll know how to handle herself," Bradi answered, pulling away and locking eyes with Cash. "Should we head to the backyard?" She asked.

"Hold on," Cash paused, cupping Bradi's cheeks and pressing his lips to hers. It was like he was trying to tell her how he was feeling through the kiss. Cash wanted to tell her how he felt, exactly how he felt. But he couldn't because she'd think he was crazy. They had just finally become a couple and he wasn't about to ruin it buy saying the words he knew he'd regret.


skdjkaks finally it only took thirty something chapters


i love creating unrealistic expectations between siblings because i never got that with my brothers.

anyways lani is me ignoring the red flags and going back to the same guy who hurt me and gave an apology <3

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