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The next morning, Yani woke up to the sound of a heart beating in her ear. She stirred a little and slowly started to open her eyes. She looked up to see that she was in the arms of Jiho.

He moaned out a little before kissing her on the forehead. "Morning," he said towards her.

She reached her arm out to stretch before answering him back. "Morning." She started to sit up pulling more of the covers over her body. Jiho sat up and looked at Yani. She was leaning down staring at her phone. At the moment she had it set to Mino's name.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her.

"What do you think?" She asked back with another question.

Jiho ruffled his hair. "Possibly, that you just slept with your ex right behind your fiancé back." He squinted an eye towards her knowing that was the million-dollar answer.

Yani exhaled before nodding her head. "Bingo. Now, what am I supposed to do? We're supposed to get married tomorrow and basically...I don't know." She exhales before bringing her knees closer to her chest. "This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean..yes we have a child together but still, this wasn't supposed to happen."

Jiho sighed deeply before wrapping his arms around Yani's body. He kissed the top of her head before squeezing her tight. "Maybe it was supposed to happen," he started off saying. Yani glanced up at him. She had a look of confusion on her face. "I mean, basically its better that it happen now than later."

"No matter what, Jiho, I cheated on Mino. I have to tell him," Yani blurted. She hopped out of the bed grabbing her clothes and rushing down the stairs. Jiho collected his boxers quickly putting them on and running down the stairs behind her.

She had quickly locked herself in the downstairs bathroom when Jiho had finally made it to her. He went to turn the knob and realized that the door was locked. He lifted his right hand banging on the door. "Yani, come out."

"No!" She cried. "I just did the same thing that you did to me. Jiho, I can't face him."

Jiho sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown locks. He knew that Yani felt guilty about what she did and basically couldn't face Mino. He stepped away from the door and turned on the ball of his heel and headed back upstairs to his room. He arrived in his room and noticed that Yani's phone was still laying on the bed.

He picked it up noticing Mino's name still showing up on the phone. He hit the call button and dialed Mino's number. It rings for a few seconds until Mino answered.

"Yani, I thought we agreed not to speak with each until the day of the wedding," Mino proclaimed.

Jiho sank on the bed before saying something. "Mino, it's Jiho."

A slight paused from Mino before he knew deep what was the situation. "She's there, isn't she?"

Jiho stared at the wall before saying, "yes."

Mino huffed before hanging up the phone. As Jiho sat the phone down on the stand he looked to see Yani leaning on the wall. "He's coming, you know that."

Jiho got up from the bed and stepped over to Yani. He lifted his arms bringing them to each side of Yani's arms. "I want you to know that I will take full responsibility for the situation. I was the one who instigated."

Yani shook her head removing Jiho's hands. "You know and I know it takes two, I wanted it just as much as you did. Do you honestly think he is going to believe that it was only just you? Even I don't believe that."

"Well, no matter Yani, I want us to work. I was a dickhead to push you away and I definitely don't want to do it again. Please give us another chance."

Jiho stepped up to Yani once again holding her in his arms. He didn't want to let her go but right now they needed to talk to Mino. It wasn't long before they heard the doorbell chime, letting them know that someone was at the door and they both knew who it was. Yani broke the hug and turned to walk down the stairs towards the door. She stood frozen looking at the door as she bites the bottom of her lip.

It wasn't long until Jiho arrived seeing that she was just standing there and not proceeding to open the door. He stepped towards the door and unlock the door to allow the person on the other end to come inside. The person walked inside and glancing at the two people that were inside the house. He glared at Jiho before turning his attention to Yani.

She had her head hang low never glancing up to look at Mino in the face. All of sudden, Mino just started to laugh. He just laughed and laughed at the whole situation. Yani turned her attention to Mino, noticing that he was just laughing. Finally, he stopped and turned to Jiho. He stepped towards him and lifted his right hand and hitting him hard in the jaw.

Jiho's body turned as he stumbled over bracing his body on the sofa. He held the right side of the face as he felt a slight metallic taste in his mouth. He used his tongue to run over his teeth feeling that he still had all of his teeth were still intact. Yani watched the scene honestly not know what to do. Right afterward, Mino grabbed his fist with the other hand rubbing the knuckles.

He then walked over to Yani, who flinched a little as Mino stepped to her. He touched the side of her face, cupping her cheek as she slowly started to look up to him. He had pain in his eyes as he stared back into Yani's eyes. He smirked a little bit as he continued to look at Yani. Finally, Mino leaned forward and grabbed Yani holding her in his arms.

As he held her, she could feel wetness hit her shoulder as he held her tightly. She also leaned in as well knowing that right now all she could was comfort him. She moved her arm up wrapping it around his back as she also started to call as well. Finally, Mino pulled away stepping back to look at Yani. He wiped away her tears as he moved away releasing his grip on her.

He finally turned back to looking at Jiho was leaning on the sofa watching the scene. He was still rubbing his jaw from the hit. Mino then walked back over to him and stood in front of him. He placed a hand on top of Jiho's shoulder as he sighs before removing it and walking away.

He kept walking until he was now heading out of the door and out of the house. He open and closed the door leaving the two people that he cared about alone. Once the door was closed, Yani quickly walked over to Jiho and checked out his jaw. She lightly touched his face as he flinched a little bit. "Are you okay?" She asked him.

Jiho chuckled a little as he continued to rub his jaw. "I guess you could say that I deserve this."

Yani placed her hands on her hip and smirk. "Well, you could say that he was given us his blessing."

Jiho hummed agreeing with what she said but he still didn't think the hit was called for. He could have just said something. He then grabbed Yani with his free hand as he brought her closer to him. "So about us," he trailed out saying.

She pushed away. "About us...how about we take it slow."

Jiho lifted an eyebrow. "Take it slow?"

Yani nodded but then grabbed Jiho's chin locking him to look into her eyes. "But if you screw up again mark my words Hurricane Yani is coming for you."

Jiho chuckled grabbing hold of Yani's waist again pulling her closer to him. "Believe me, I'm not losing you again."




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