Gabbys Message

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Gabby has been in my ear since Shaw showed at the wedding and reception. She says it was meant for him to show himself so we could take care of everything before Ana's 21st birthday and get her birth rite back from him and his so called corporations. Ana's life is at risk if we don't solve it before the trust is released to us on her birthday. Raymond has been very busy and so has James/Albert. There are people we don't know working on this and all of us are being kept under heavy security until this Shaw guy is arrested and evidence is forthcoming and we have to find out who his people are. We found out that Gage was supposed to watch over Ana as well as she was watching over him. Sarah Anderson is not who she says she is, but for a good reason.
I am frantic about my friends and family safety and it's all over my inheritance. Christian assures us we have security at all times, but even Shaw was able to talk his way into the weddings and reception. Gabby has been my ear, moms and Gages at this point and she has her spirit and ghost friends helping as well. Gage has been calling me and says Elizabeth apologizes again. She had no idea who the guy really was he fooled her and others. He set her up to get to Sarah.
Aaron Shaw
I just got home and I have a surprise waiting for me, one I had no idea it was still in existence. A will from the Lambert estate giving everything to Carla and Ana if Frank died. Somehow the family attorney was able to get to his monetary assets before I could and made sure they were dispersed per the Lamberts wishes. I got the properties hidden before the attorney could do anything about them. The stolen files I found out were copied before I could get to them. It was his attorney daughter who grabbed all the Lamberts wills and files and left copies of everything and now can prove what I have done. I just can't find out where the originals are that include all the properties I took from the Lamberts after Frank was attacked. I can't seem to ditch these guys who are following me. I sense someone watching me at all times. Things move and I know there's no one but me in my home, well one of the Lamberts properties. I had someone go through the Anderson's home and they came up with nothing. She has no attorney and not much of anything. Her son works as a psychic part time. Ana is a dear friend of his. Suddenly I feel a cold chill go down my back. I see something move in the room. I hear a voice.
You are mine when they end your pathetic existence. But until then we have plans for you. Say hello to our latest source of fun guys.
The house lights flicker and water is turned on and off and no one is there. I hear voices and laughter, but no one is there. Someone is making fun of me and my hair piece flies off my head. I grab it and it is taken from me and shoved into the garbage disposal. I try to get it, but the disposal turns on and my hand is nearly injured.
We can torment you for the rest of your life or you can return what belongs to the Lamberts and walk away from everything your choice. We have all the time in the world to destroy you and we can make people think you are insane. Your choice. I personally like the idea of tormenting you after everything you have done to the Lamberts. And their attorneys and many many others. You see I know what you are and what you are capable of, but you have no idea the lengths to what I would go to rid the world of you. So if I were you I would give everything you took back including Sarah Anderson's husbands property. You won't sleep until you do what we ask of you.
How is a ghost going to stop me from killing all of them?
Shawn Ackerman
Well Gabby it's my time to take over here and you can go be with better people while I introduce myself to Aaron. Gabby disappears. She is gone now let's get started shall we?
I feel my neck tie tightening around my throat and hear the voice telling a Gabby to leave me to him. He tells me who he is and Shawn starts pulling me from my seat and drags me to my bedroom. He gets the keys to my torture room. He then drags me into it and suddenly I see other ghosts and spirits as he cuffs me to the wall.
Nice room you have here. Similar to the one you ended my life in Aaron. I believe you know the others here as well. You didn't care the sex or the age did you? What stopped you with Ana and Carla? Oh wait she had protection at all times in one way or another. You do know we protect Gage as well. But that's not your problem anymore, we also have scared your friends away a long time ago. They haven't been answering your calls have they?
You are just ghosts you can really do anything to me this is all just a nightmare. I suddenly feel the whip hit my back.
So we can't hurt you huh? I see a bright red mark in your chest. Let's do that again just like you did to me. I hit him over and over again until Shawn asks me to stop before Aaron passes out.
We need him conscious for this to work.
Okay, but afterward can I have my revenge?
I don't care what you do with the scumbag.

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