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This 400th edition of the Cyclopaedia Tahana is organised into sections that lay down the fundamentals of the Sepadua Kayanesi or the Twelve Disciplines, which were initially taught by Desaraya, the Rayaharadu himself, to the Isagani Rayamanajivarini or the First Scholars, the precursor to the present Council of Scholars.

Through the wisdom and guidance of the Sepalahi, Desaraya organisedthe Apatani Haradesi or the four elements to create the Twelve Disciplines. Whilethe power of the four elements brings knowledge to the Twelve Disciplines, theguidance of the four cardinal directions or Apatani Ibayasi bring the TwelveVirtues or Sepadua Kebayasi to form a holistic learning experience. 

The four main sections of the Cyclopaedia are as follows:

The free element of the wind rules the southern disciplines and virtues, which are fundamental in the understanding of the spiritual and celestial aspects of the Eternal Universe of the Suraya. Semakaya, Haradesikaya, and Ferasakaya make up Timarakaya.

Faithfulness or the virtue of Agardeya is at the heart of understanding of Santara or the Great Balance and the deities and elemental spirits of the Eternal Universe of the Suraya. Deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of Semakaya are exclusively taught at the Perangari and Sherangari of Serinaya and at the Holy Cloisters of the Chayamar Empire. Masters of Semakaya, who are often heads of religious orders, are called Semaani.

Responsibility or the virtue of Kewajideya is the focal point of the study of the four precious gifts of the Sepalahi or the haradesi and their relationship with the harani and the elemental guardians. Haradesikaya is taught in much more detail by elemental masters to their apprentices, but the understanding of its basic principles is included in the current curricula of learning in all Seranayi Garpanji and the Chayamarda Ajaravi. Masters of Haradesikaya are mostly saraharani and are called Haradesiani.

Honesty or the virtue of Kebardeya is the guiding star of the study of the movement and positions of the celestial bodies, the understanding of the laws of natural forces, and the observance of the standard system of measurements. Although further studies of the celestial bodies and natural forces can be done in any Seranayi Rejagarpani or Chayamarda Jayajaravi, the standard system of measurements is taught in the primary stages of learning. Masters of Ferasakaya who are brilliant mathematicians and physicists are called Ferasaani.


The loving element of water rules the northern disciplines and virtues, which are essential to the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of Tahana's bountiful natural and resources. Aramkaya, Bumakaya, and Menayakaya are the disciplines categorised under Hilarakaya.

Generosity or the virtue of Hatideya is the lifeblood of the study of all the plants and animals that can be found all around Tahana and their relationship and significance to their natural habitat and the people who live with or around them. Masters of Aramkaya are known as Aramani and spend most of their lives in different places on Tahana doing field research.

Respect or the virtue of Meyardeya is at the centre of the study of different landmasses and bodies of water and various natural resources, as well as the understanding of the importance of preserving the ecosystems that support all live on Tahana. Masters of Bumakaya are known as Bumaani and work closely with Aramani on the conservation of wildlife and natural resources.

Charity or the virtue of Darnadeya fuels the study of the physical and chemical composition of all matter found on Tahana, as well as the study and practice of healing and the formulation of various medicines for different ailments and diseases. Masters of Menayakaya are called Menayaani and usually work as healers.


The vibrant element of fire rules the eastern disciplines and virtues that give life and colour to the culture and traditions of the different peoples that live on Tahana. The disciplines that make up Silarkaya are Sahikaya, Charikaya, and Sanjikaya.

Enthusiasm or the virtue of Kagiradeya gives breath to the study of Tahana's rich variety of ancient and contemporary literature, as well as the study of the languages and dialects used by the groups of people who live on Tahana. Masters of Sahikaya are among the most respected and well-known writers and linguists of Tahana and are called Sahiani.

Creativity or the virtue of Rachinadeya is at the core of the study of the visual arts including the study and appreciation of some of Tahana's greatest historic and contemporary masterpieces in painting, calligraphy, architecture, and engineering. Masters of Charikaya are among the best visual artists of Tahana and are called Chariani.

Joyfulness or the virtue of Kasedeya brings life to the study of the performing arts such as dancing, singing, music, and acting, as well as the study and appreciation of the best stage performances in the history of Tahana. Masters of Sanjikaya are known as Sanjiani and are among the most famous stage performers on Tahana.


The grounded element of earth rules the western disciplines and virtues that are essential to the governance of the different states or countries established on Tahana and the maintenance of peaceful and fruitful international cooperation. The disciplines that make up Kanarakaya are Pemerikaya, Keyarkaya, and Peradikaya.

Service or the virtue of Layadeya is the very soul of the study of the history of the peoples of Tahana as well as the study and practice of public service and governance. Masters of Pemerikaya are called Pemeriani and are usually found in key positions of service in local and national government offices and institutions.

Justice or the virtue of Pedardeya governs the study and practice of law and legislation as well as the implementation of local and international justice systems on Tahana. Masters of Keyarkaya are known as Keyarani and hold the highest positions in the justice systems of every state or country.

Temperance or the virtue of Kesadardeya lays the groundwork for the study of economics and commerce as well as the creation of livelihood opportunities without abusing natural resources. Masters of Peradikaya are known as Peradiani and are among the most brilliant and successful business people on Tahana.

The Chavara (shown above) represents Enlightenment or EternalWisdom through the union of the Sepadua Kayanesi, represented by the twelvehollow circles, and the Sepadua Kebayasi, represented by the smaller circles atthe heart of each kayaneju

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The Chavara (shown above) represents Enlightenment or EternalWisdom through the union of the Sepadua Kayanesi, represented by the twelvehollow circles, and the Sepadua Kebayasi, represented by the smaller circles atthe heart of each kayaneju.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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