The Notification

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"Adelina, wake up. You have to get ready to take Sancia to dance, and then you have to stay there for the day to help the teacher with the smaller kids," my mom said. I groaned and opened my eyes. I got up out of bed and got ready. I got dressed in this.

I put my hair up in a pontytail, brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone and bag, and went downstairs

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I put my hair up in a pontytail, brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone and bag, and went downstairs. I grabbed my dance bag, keys, and coffee and then sat down at the dining room table to wait for Sancia. My mom sat next to me and started sipping her coffee.

"Someone called for you late last night. They said their name was Heidi. She's a part of management for some collaborators group. I told her you were asleep and she told me to pass the message onto you that there's a spot open in the house and she wanted to know if you would fill it. It's in LA but do you want to?" She said. I took a sip of my coffee and shrugged my shoulders. Sancia came downstairs ready to go to dance so I said bye to our mom and went out the door with her. 

"So, I'm gonna stay during your class because I have to teach a class afterwards, so are you cool with getting Starbucks or something like that?" I said. She nodded eagerly and started jumping in her seat.

"Okay. Calm down, bambina," I said, giggling. She stopped jumping in her seat and turned on the radio. I handed her a granola bar I packed in my bag and she ate it kind of quickly. I pulled out of the driveway and started driving towards the dance studio. 

After about 20 minutes of driving, we finally got to the studio. I parked and we walked in and got ready to start the classes. The first class ended and Sancia walked onto the dance floor for her first class of the day. I talked with Maribelle, the receptionist, about the mirrors, which were broken because an immature student threw their pointe shoe at it. 

~3 hours later~ 

We finally got done with the classes and decided to go get some lunch. I pulled into the nearest Subway and ordered Sancia's sandwich and drink, and then ordered mine. We waited a little bit and then our food was ready. We got the bags and then left. We got in the car and as I closed the door, my phone went ding. I looked at my phone and saw that someone dmed me. I decided to ignore it until we got home. I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. 

"What're they gonna do about the broken mirror?" Sancia asked. 

"Well, we talked to Aria's parents and we decided that she was gonna be punished. So, she can't dance at the studio for two weeks and she has to pay a fine of $900 for the mirror," I said. Sancia laughed and continued eating. 

"That's gonna be torture for her. She never takes a break from that studio. She's gonna lose her mind," She said, laughing. I giggled and continued driving. 

Soon enough, we got home. We talked to mom about the classes and what we did before we got home. I sat down at the kitchen island and talked more with mom about the offer.

"So, I know that LA is pretty far from Michigan, mom, but I think it could be good. I mean, I get to figure things out as an adult and I could explore new parts of the world. And I have enough money for it," I said. She put her arms on the island and looked at me.

"I know you think it's a good idea. But, honey, there's so much you'd be leaving behind. Your sister, the studio, your friends, and me," she said. I looked down at my chips.

"Well, I talked to the head instructor and she said that she was gonna fire me anyways. She was gonna pay me severance but they didn't have it in the budget to keep me. And Sancia is 15. She could get a job and she could take my car, when she's ready, of course. I know that if I left I'd be leaving so much behind, but if I stay here, it's like the only thing I'd be waiting for is my death. And I can't do that. I'm sorry, but I think I'm gonna take the offer," I said. She smiled and nodded. I stood up and helped mom with cooking dinner.

~After dinner~

I put mine and Sancia's dishes in the sink and started to wash them. As I put the soap on the cloth, my mom tried to stop me.

"Mom, no, it's okay. Just go lay down, you've worked all day today," I said. She looked at me for a few seconds, hugged me, and went upstairs. I continued washing every pot, pan, plate, bowl, fork, spoon, and knife.

It didn't take me too long to finish, but when I did I knew I was all tired out. I went upstairs and changed into these pajamas.

I took my phone off the nightstand and looked at the notification I got earlier

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I took my phone off the nightstand and looked at the notification I got earlier. I opened it and replied.

C: heyy

M: hiii

C: whats ur name?

M: Adelina. whats ur name?

C: Chris. Adelina's a pretty name. what does it originate from?

M: well my family's italian so..

C: oh no way im italian too lol

M: thats cool lol

C: so where are u from?

M: Michigan hbu

C: New Jersey but i live in la now

M: oh thats cool i got an offer to move to la in some collaborators house

C: was her name heidi?

M: yea howd u know

C: i work in that collaborators house lol u should come..if u want to ofc

M: yeah i talked to my mom im gonna be going there soon

C: awesome well i cant wait to meet u adelina

M: cant wait to meet u chris goodnight

C: goodnight

I plugged my phone in again and set it back on the nightstand. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I got back into bed and turned the light out. LA seems cool.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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