Chapter 3 : Hired

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"Follow me" He then say while walking downstairs to the lobby of my apartment

I follow him and go outside and reveal a black van, the back door of the black van open and i went inside. The car start and it drove of to the JYP Building. 1 hour later

We arrive at the tall JYP Building i open the back door and walk outside looking at the tall building

He then went inside, and i follow him. He then go to a girl in a desk and say something to her, he then finish talking to the girl and went to me

"Hes waiting for you on the 12th floor" He said looking at me

"Who is waiting for me?" I ask him

"You will know soon" He then tell me and he left

I go to the elevator and press the 12th floor. I then arrive at that floor and walk outside of the elevator and see a room infront of with a tag on the door that says 'Park Jin-Young (JYP)'

I knock on the door and someone says behind that door

"Come in!" The guy behind the door says

I open the door and see a guy in hes 40-50s, he then look up towards me and smile

"You must be Y/N, nice to meet you." He then put up his hand to signal me to a handshake

I accept it and shake his hand

"My name is Park Jin-Young or JYP, im the CEO of JYP Entertainment" He says looking at me

I then bow to him

"So you are the one that save my idols last night?" He then ask me

"Yes, sir" I say to him

"I have a job for you" He says looking straight to my eyes

"Whats the job?" I ask JYP

"I want you to be the bodyguard of TWICE" He then answer

"Ok- Wait you mean the bodyguard for those 9 girls?" I then ask with a shock voice

He then nod and start to walk past me, i then look at him with confusion

"But first, follow me" He said while walking back to the elevator

I joined him on the elevator and i saw him press the 6th floor and we went down. When the door opened on the 6th floor, he then walk infront of me and go to a room. I saw the tag on the door and it says 'TWICE Dance Room' he then opened the door and i see the 9 girls i saved sitting in the floor looking exhausted.

We walked in and me and the 9 girls was in a shock face and wide eyes.

"Y-Y/N?!" The girl with big eyes and a body of a goddess

"H-Hi again" I smile awkwardly at them while my right hand is at the back of my head

"W-why are y-you here?" The girl with white skin asked

"Hes here because you girls say to me to hired him to be your new bodyguard" He then reply looking at them

"They told you to hire me?" I then look back at the girls and they all smiling awkwardly

"Well lets introduce ourself" The girl with the body of a goddess says

They all stand up and all said in unison

"One two three, Hello we are TWICE" They say in korean unison

They all introduce theyre name and i remember all of theyre name instantly

"And we are happy that you are our new bodyguard" Nayeon said

"Not yet" JYP said

Me and the girls looked at him instantly

"What do you mean?" I said to him

He then call 2 buff guys and it looks like theyre ready to fight

"But first, you need to knock them out and redeem yourself" He then say to me and look at the 2 buff guys

"You girls can sit down and see him" JYP said to the 9 girls and lean back against the wall

I then look at the 2 buff guys and one of them run fast and almost punch me in the face, but i dodge it grabbing his hand. The second guy came and was about to kick me in the stomach but i put the first guy infront of me making the second guy kick the first guy.

I smash the first guy to the floor, and do a double kick to the second guy in the face. They all knocked out in the floor and i looked back to the girls and JYP with a shock face.

"So... am i hired?" I said while smirking

JYP then walked towards me and put up his hand, i accept the hand and he said

"Welcome to the JYP Family" He said and a smile appear on his face

I release his hand and walk back a few steps. I suddenly feel a hand wrapping behind me, i turn around and see sana hugging me. My face suddenly start to get red to the tip of my ears

"Ooo, seems like someone is enjoying the hug" Jeongyeon said while smirking

"N-No i dont" I said to her

"Y-You dont?" Sana then look up towards me with sad puppy eyes, god shes so cute

"Just kidding! I really love it!" I then say to her and a smile appear on her face and start to hug me tighter

"I should leave you and the 9 girls alone so that the girls are comfortable around you" JYP said looking at me, i give him a nod and he then call 4 people and carry the 2 buff guys on the floor and they left leaving me with the 9 girls

"S-Sana you can stop hugging me now" I said looking down at her

"Hmph! Fine" She then release me and looking down sadly


So, what do you guys think of this chapter? If its to short please tell me. Dont forget to vote and comment on the future chapters, because that motivates me so i can make more chapter in the future :)


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