Chapter 28 : Way back home

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This is very wrong, but it feels good? I want to push her away but i cant, i literally cant my body wont cooperate. She is very aggresive by the way, i cant do anything but just close my eyes.

Her lips is sweet and its so soft, my lips just melt with her's.

We both stop kissing and we both open our eyes slowly,

"I have been waiting for that, for so long" She said then smiled

"You did?" I ask

She nodded and then hugged me, making both of us fall into the bed

"From the start" She said

"Nayeon this is wrong" I said but she give a confusing look

"Why?" She ask, is it not obvious

"Nayeon, im a bodyguard and your an idol. That doesnt work" I said



"I dont care, your the first person that made my heart jump everytime you speak to me" She said then kiss me again, jesus lord forgive me now

When i thought the door is locked, it suddenly opens

"Hey dear we want to say sor-" We both shoot our eyes to the door and meet with Ms. Im and Seoyeon once again

"MOM!" Nayeon yelled right in my ear, i think im deaf now

"Ooo unnie is already making progress ay?" Seoyeon said with a smirk while Ms. Im just smiling the whole time

"Continue please" Ms. Im said with a pure smile and close the door shut

"Ugh" Nayeon then get off me

"You aight?" I ask

"My mom and sis ruined the moment" Nayeon then pout

"My mom and sis ruined the moment" Nayeon then pout

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"Hey its ok" I said

"What time is it" She said, i check my phone and its

"11 PM" I said, and look at her

"Lets go back to the dorm" She said looking at me

"Oh okay then, and im sorry if-" She was saying but i cut her off

"Its ok Nayeon, lets forget about it and move on shall we?" I said and she sadly nodded

we go down to the living room and Mr. Im is reading a news paper while Ms. Im and Seoyeon just watching TV, welp... its time to get theyre attention. I knock on the wooded wall on my left, and all eyes just darted right at me. At least it got theyre attention 

"E-Eomma we're-" Nayeon got cut off again

"Its ok dear, we understand. I give you my blessing" Ms. Im said.... wait did she just-

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