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"You were really good, you know that, Sheridan?" said the tall man coming out of the Gentleman's club. He had recently came to the United Kingdom. He had short, brown hair and walked with an air of arrogance around him.

"Oh stop it, Kaleb...." replies the red haired woman. Shorter than Kaleb. Native to the UK. The couple is walking arm and arm down Commercial street. They walked in silence most of the way. Kaleb broke the silence making that comment.

"No, I'm serious. You made a good pull. I know I wasn't originally happy about you becoming a stripper-"

"Exotic dancer, Kaleb. Can we stop at that cafe' up there? I have to.. you know.."

"No need to go on." As they got closer, Kaleb made out the sign. 'The Brown Bear.' it read. Kaleb sat down at the nearest booth as Sheridan entered the ladies' room. A few minutes pass, and Sheridan exits the room.

"Alright, lets get a move on." The couple locks arms and strolls out of the cafe'. After a few more blocks, they reach their apartment.

"You go on in, Kaleb. I have to make a call."

"Alright." Kalebs unlocks the door and walks inside. After a few minutes, he walks back outside.


"Yes, dear?" a voice answers from behind. Kaleb is about to reply when he feels his girlfriend's arms around his neck.

"Hey there." Kaleb says. He turns his head and looks at his girlfriend. Before he can say anything more, Sheridan's eyes turn black. It's the last thing Kaleb sees as a blade slices open his neck.

Black eyes on Baker street.Where stories live. Discover now