Sketchy details.

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Chapter three; Sketchy details

"Where are we Cas?" Dean asks as he looks around at his surroundings. Cas seems to have brought them into a back alley of a sort. Dean turns around and looks down the alley. It leads to a crowded street.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Sammy." Sam rolls his eyes and shoots Dean a glare. It only makes Dean's smile wider.

"Of couse not, Dean. We're in London." Cas replies with a puzzled expression.

"I know we're not. It was a joke. A line from The Wizard of Oz, Cas."

"I don't understand that reference." 

Dean rolls his eyes and Cas' expression only becomes more puzzled.

"Sam, run me down on the details."

"Alright so get this,..."


"There is no one cause of death, John. The causes of death range from being ripped apart to having their throat slit." The duo decided they did not need a taxi. Lestrade wanted to meet them in a small Cafe' called 'Monkey & Me' on Crawford Street.

"Why is the public calling this the 'Black-Eyed Murders?'"

"Apparently, witnesses,..."


"..have reported that the supposed murderer's eyes turned black. No one has actually seen the murder KILL anyone, but people have seen the person with multiple of the vic's." Sam explains as they walk out of the alley.

"Sounds like our stuff. How'd you know this, Sam?"

"Some blog. This 'Doctor John H. Watson' writes about murders that him and his companion Sherlock Holmes solve. They are basically detectives, but they aren't actually employed by Scotland Yard."

"Sounds cheesy." Dean says as he turns around to face his brother. He continues to walk backwards out of the alley. Just upon hitting the sidewalk, a man in a black trench coat walks into Dean.

"Woah there, dude."

"Do you have any clue how to walk?" the man asks angrily.

"Dean.. just keep it together" Sam says when he see's Dean readying to punch the trench coat clad man.

"Alright Sam." Dean looks back down the alley. Castiel is a few yards back. He's looking into a window; completely oblvious of his surroundings. A shorter man appears behind the one wearing a black trench coat.

"Just keep walking.." the shorter, blonde haired man says to the trench coat clad one. He storms off in the direction they were originally going.

"Terribly sorry for him. He's not right in the head." Dean mouths a silent "Ooh". 

"No problem." Dean says with a smile.

The shorter one smiles and nods and walks in the direction that his taller companion did.

"So this is London, Sam? Alright, Sam I don't think our FBI badges will work here. Go find out who the Secret Service of Britain is. Find out where we can forge a fake ID. Cas, take me back to my baby. I need to pick up some supplies. Sam, meet us here in an hour or so. We'll make the ID's then."

"Got it." Sam walks off.

"Alright Dean. Hold tight." With a sound of fluttering, they disappear.


"John, did you notice anything strange about the trio we ran into?"

"Yeah. The long haired one was taller than you." Sherlock gives John an unamused look.

"They weren't from around here. They can't have been in London for long. The weird thing is they showed no signs of flying here."

"Well, from what I heard, the shorter one is named 'Dean'. The taller one is Sam. I once read a book series called Supernatural. Dean and Sam are the main characters."

"Nevermind the stupid series, John Watson. There was them."

"Oh just ignore them, Sherlock. There's the Cafe'."

Sherlock holds open the door for his companion and as soon as they enter, Lestrade calls their names.

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