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4 attachments *
here, please don't
share these.

yooo! idek
you why are
you sending
me nudes?

jae stop playing.
its reii, you told me
that if i wanted you to
stop making me fuck
you at school to
send nudes.

i'm not jae but
i think you should
stop talking to him.

yeah no shit.
anyway can you
not send those to
anyone please?

yeah. i hope
you and that dude
solve your problems.

may i ask who this
is though? not to be rude
but ion wanna be texting
a pervert.

oh yeah i'm vinnie.
and i'm not a perv

well sorry that you
had to see my vj and tits

no worries,
they're big.

pervert- anyway
i have to go. ttyl

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