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Can't touch me, I'm on my rocket
Loosing touch with the world I knew
Gravity is loosing it's battle over me
I force the last few clouds let me go
Releasing me to my new home

Can't touch me, I'm in orbit
I'm all alone up here, that's better
Only other astronauts can touch me
But that's ok they get it, we need space
No more questions, just understanding

Can't touch me, I'm on the Moon
I smile and remember you, your face
How I saw you on launch day
If you weren't there, I wouldn't be here
So I stare at the earth and remember

Can't touch me, I'm on Mars
Someone tried to talk to me today
But the lag was too much, they gave up
Didn't get how to talk to an astronaut
They unsettled me with their presence

Can't touch me, I'm on Jupiter
I can't see Earth anymore, or you
It all goes wrong, I can't breathe or see
I am solitary here, must get myself out
But I need another astronaut, save me.

Can't touch me, I'm on an asteroid
I can see Earth now, looking like a gem
Life just dripping out, into space
Sadly, more astronauts joined us today
I hope they don't make it to Jupiter

Can't touch me, I'm still in orbit
I'm yet to land so I watch other rockets
Zooming by, free from gravity now
These new astronauts can't stop
They have a journey in their own rocket

Try to touch me, I'm on Earth
I will always be an astronaut though
That can't be left behind, it marks me
Standing out like I've been underlined
That's an astronaut they whisper

At times, I become an astronaut again
They can't touch me when I'm in space
Can't touch me, I'm on my rocket
My rocket called greif.

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