Special (not really) Throwback: EVENT

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"I want someone who has a heart inside there, a heart that matches mine."

- Event by Season Five


First Time Dinner with Win's Family
as a Boyfriend

Was it the fourth time? Fifth? Bright lost count of how many times he stepped inside Opas-iamkajorn's house. This time, Bright was invited by the parents to have dinner together. No matter how many times he had met and interacted with them, today was more than that.

Today, Bright came as Win's boyfriend. That was one thing that made him concerned, but he tried to act normal in front of his boyfriend.

When Bright and Win arrived, Win left Bright at the living room, sitting on the sofa, alone. Bright tried to hold Win back. However, luck was not on his side because Ice suddenly called Win to go with her to another room.

Bright got up when he saw Win's parents appeared in the living room. They were smiling and greeted back after Bright wai at them. Still, Bright wished he could be swallowed by the ground where he was standing.

Win's Dad patted Bright's shoulder. "Please, sit down. Don't be so formal. It's not the first time we met."

Bright sat back down at the same time with the parents did. He looked down. He intertwined his fingers.

"Win is at the kitchen with his siblings," Win's Mom spoke as if she knew what was on Bright's mind. "He wants to make sure that the foods are edible for you. No need to worry na kha, Khun Bright."

Bright smiled awkwardly. He was caught in the act. "I'm just nervous khrab."

Win's Dad laughed a little. He nodded his head. "I understand it perfectly. I have been in the same position."

After that, there was a silence between them. Bright looked down again and the parents looked at each other, shrugging their shoulder and eyes watching Bright's discomfiture.

"So," Win's Dad broke the ice. "I've heard that you and my son are officially in a relationship."

"Khrab," Bright admitted it right away. The topic was finally brought up. He had been anticipating this since he was not good at small talk. "A month already khrab."

"And what are you to each other now?"

"Boyfriend khrab."

"It will not be as smooth as common relationship na, since you both are men," Win's Dad continued. "I have to make sure that you are serious with my son. I'm kind of worried if you will change your mind halfway and my son will be off his head."

"I think, my feeling won't change khrab."

"What feeling are you talking about?"

"Love khrab," Bright replied without hesitation. "I sincerely love your son khrab."

Win's Mom who was only listening to the gentlemen talking, hid her amused smile by drinking her tea.

"What if my son is the one changing his mind halfway?"

Bright took a deep breath. Imagining the moment made him struggle to answer. "What can I do?" Bright asked Win's Dad back. "If you permit me, I will make him love me again khrab."

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