Chapter 2: Gaining Friends

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I had met my friend Shay through someone I use to be close with. Her name was Sabrina, and she ended up being a dick to both Shay and I. We had kinda mutually bonded over that fact and, well, became friends because of it. We had both been constantly lied too but it mostly effected her since she was closer to Sabrina. We had officially met at one of Sabrina's birthday party's, she had this glare on her face almost the whole time and couldn't understand why. I thought she hated me and really had no clue why or what I may have done. As it turns out she wasn't glaring at me, she was glaring at Sabrina's shitty boyfriend Whiely. And that pretty much sums up how we became friends. Heh whoops ^u^

Anyways, sixth grade was were our little friend group was just starting out and was in the "infant" stage. It consisted mostly of Me, Shay, Sabrina, Rachel, this guy named Brax who I'll mention later on I'm sure of it, and eventually towards the middle of the year Madilyn. We had a pretty good group going on and I felt so happy to have so many good friends that cared about me. I loved all of them. I still love all of them. I miss this.

I was paired up with this girl in science. She was a little shy but holy shit she liked the same things as I did and It made me so happy. I never thought I'd meet any other anime freak other then my best friend ( cough cough more like only friend ) Rachel, who I had been friends with for about roughly 3 to 4 years at that point. Anyways, this girl was different somehow, she laughed at all my jokes whole heartedly and paid close attention to me as I spoke or told a story. She sat next to me since school had started, yet we had never talked until that one day when Ms. G paired us together. After that day of goofing off and not getting anything done I had decided I wanted to get to know her, to really be her friend. She was sweet, funny, and a hella good drawer. She also kept calling ketchup a "white trash condiment" but hey I can't argue with that, it was hilarious. She was hilarious. Her name was Madilyn.

Brax is a meat head. He's stupid. He wasn't always stupid though. Yet he was still doing stupid things back in fifth grade. Originally he was a bully. He was best friends with this asshat named Isaac, who was the main bully towards Rachel and I. Yet Brax still chipped in his fair share of insults and laughs at the both of us, until finally at the end of the school year in fifth grade I asked him why he did these things. I asked him why he hated me so much that he would do this. He stared for a second and said "I don't hate you. I'm just following Isaac..." And after that we somehow became close in the sixth grade. I thought I was developing feelings for him when really I was just blinded by emotions. I feel bad to this day about how our relationship went but it wasn't entirely my fault it ended the way it did. Anyways he is still my friend as of today. He is way too tall to be human.

Eventually as things progressed, drama had hit our group like it always hits every group of friends. The lies of Sabrina got the best of her, I had foolishly agreed to date my friend Brax under the pressure of everyone else in our group. There were break ups and make ups and fights and shit like that. By the end of the year....our group had survived for the most part even after Sabrina left. Madilyn seemed to have taken her place and everything was right in the world. By summer I had felt as though my friends were my second family. My true family. Everything was going perfectly....until seventh grade happened too me.

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