Chapter 9 Sabotage

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"Ah, Minister Hu. I can always count on you." The shadow spoke.

"But of course. I am always at your service, Your Majesty."

"Hmm.. That's nice to hear. You sure have a way with words, Minister Hu." The shadow purred in satisfaction as he took a sip of his tea.

Right at that moment, the rest of the ministers entered the musty basement.

"Your Majesty. General Shao." They collectively bowed at the shadow and General Shao who was beside him.

"Now that we are all here. Let's start this meeting." The shadow announced.

"Your Majesty, I will get straight into it. It is a shame that the invasion didn't go as expected but we could turn this situation to our advantage." One of the ministers who arrived later spoke.

"Yes, thank you Minister Zhan. In fact, I believe Minister Hu has laid out the foundations for us. Egging Lee Ye An into war was a smart move. Well done, Minister Hu." The shadow said approvingly. Everyone present knew that it was a rare show of praise by the shadow behind the paper screen. "But Lee Ye An doesn't seem too convinced to go to war."

"But he also didn't say it outright that we won't be going to war, Your Majesty." Minister Zhan quipped.

"Yes. He is still new to the position and he needs the support of the court. I believe we would be able to influence his decision in the next court meeting if we play it correctly." Minister Peng who arrived with Minister Zhan added.

General Shao chose this moment to speak. "I agree with Minister Peng. It doesn't matter if he insists on his agreement agenda. As long as the court puts enough pressure on our intention for war, he wouldn't be able to refuse."

Minister Hu caressed his beard. "Yes. And when the decision of war is established, we could send the best weapons to the Northerners with General Shao's assistance, ensuring their victory."

General Shao replied jovially at the idea. "Of course. I should add to the effort as well. Couldn't let you take all the credit, Minister Hu. Once the war ends with the Northerner's victory, that's when you will come into the picture, Your Majesty. We would ensure that you would be able to defeat the Northerners and show our alliance to you in the end, Your Majesty."

"What about the Empress Mother? I believe you would be able to handle it as well?" The shadow asked.

"Of course. Everything has been leading up to this. She even stood on our side in the court meeting earlier. Leave her to me." General Shao assured the person behind the paper screen confidently.

The shadow chuckled. "That was you? Then that settles it. We move forward by pushing for the war agenda in the next meeting. I trust that all of you would be able to make that happen?"

"Of course, Your Majesty." All of the ministers present, including General Shao, replied in unison.

THE NIGHT EMPEROR: 夜安王 【The Night Emperor Book 1】| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now