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Jake and Hailey Rose are leading a wonderful life together as the King and Queen of Clozy Kingdom. The kingdom loves them, and they rule fairly and justly, making their citizens very happy. Now, 16 years into their reign over Clozy Kingdom, they have two children, Prince Alexander and Princess Gabriela. The Princess is a fun-loving, upbeat girl that loves any physical activities. She hates being a royal, though, and she wishes every night on the Central Star that something exciting will happen in her life. The Prince, though, is her polar opposite. He hates to get his hands dirty, and finds comfort in routines and order. Well, he is going to be the king in a few years. Alexander and Gabriela never get along, and they drive their parents crazy with their arguments. But one night, Queen Hailey mysteriously disappears without a trace. Can the mismatched family put aside their differences and find the Queen, or will secrets and pressure break the small bond they have?

A/N: I got this idea while I was waiting for my turn on a board game and making a meeple army 👀 So, this is inspired by many things. 1- My Gaming Life when Jake's a king or whatever, 2- Jake calling Hailey Princess, 3- The Chronicles of Narnia, 4- The Hobbit. There are also so many ship fanfics that I decided to make one that was more centered on family and adventure. (Also, don't expect a regular update schedule) Annnd I'm a sucker for fantasy worlds, so I hope y'all enjoy this lil' world I created.

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