cнapтer one

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Alison's POV





I tried to stop my alarm before it woke up my foster parents. I would like to arrive in New York without any bruises.

I quickly got in the shower and washed up, then I combed through my hair, and finally brushed my teeth.

I ran into my bedroom and opened one of my already packed suit cases, and grabbed white high wasted shorts and a red crop top that said "you wish" in black. I quickly put everything on and grabbed my phone, car keys, and my suit cases.

New York here I come.

~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~

I have been in my Ferrari for like ten years and it's really boring.

I called my best friend Livy so I could pass time.

***phone call***
A: hey liv
L: hey girl.!
A: What are you doing.?
L: watching the originals, what about you.?
A: driving to the big apple. I can believe you still believe in vampires
L: shit, that was today.?!! I thought it was tomorrow. Hell yeah.! They are so sexy. With super speed. do you know what that means.?! We could hav-
A: aaahh stop.! They are fake, they don't exist, but if you wanna think they do, be my guest.
L: or so you think, I read that they live among us. and I sure will be.!
A: haha you are dumb.
L: but yo momma thinks I'm smart tho.
A: no she knows that your dumb.
L: whatever, I'll call you later, I gotta go pick up Macy.
A: have fun and tell Macy I said hi.
L: oooookkkkaaaaay byyyyeeee looovvveee.!
A: byyyyyeeeee looooovvvvveeee.!!!

After our very odd phone call, I stopped at a hotel. I am currently in Colorado.

"Hello" I said to the lady sitting behind the desk.

"Hello welcome to JW Marriott. a room for one.?"


"Okay here's your key and you are in floor 18 room 235."

"Okay thank you"

I quickly walked to the elevator and pressed the 18 button and rode the elevator until I was in my floor.

After the elevator dinged and the doors opened, I walked out and down the hall until I found my door.

I slid the key into the key thingy. it made a little clicking noise, I opened the door and threw my bag on to the bed and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before I fell asleep.

Before I fell asleep the last thought that I had was... I'm this much closer to New York.

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