Chapter 3: A Very Trixton Encounter

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Almost a minute passes before I realize I was caught deep in those dark pools of orbs in his eye sockets. He takes off his golf cap and swishes his chocolate brown, parted bangs around before placing it expertly back on the summit of his head. A hint of a smile twitches up on one side of his deep, rose colored lips as he relishes in my bewilderment. He smells, I notice, distinctly of freshly cut grass and golf balls.

"Say, are you on your way to Stonebridge High?" He questions, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

My own eyes widen and I find myself beginning to relax in his company.

"Well sure I am, how did you figure that one out?" I chuckle. He raises one eyebrow with a serious look on his face.

"There's only one High School in Stonebridge, and you look too naive to be a dropout." He admits, a small smirk forming on his sculpted face. I stiffen, feeling my lips form a thin line on my face. Who is this guy to assume he knows me? If he knew what happened at my old school I'm sure that naive would be the last word on his mind...

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I say in a low voice. This catches him off guard. He awkwardly fumbles his hands around and his gaze shifts downwards, meeting his watch.

"Wow, would you look at the time! Hey, since we're going the same direction, would you like a lift?" He asks, instantly regaining his cool composure.

"Ummmhmmm... Sure! That would be convenient!" I say looking around for his sick ride, "I'm still a little wet though, I hope I don't spoil your car."

"That won't be a problem!" He laughs throwing his head back, his luscious locks flying around in the soft breeze. "I won't be a sec!" He grins at me, his perfect teeth gleaming as he runs around his perfect suburban house.

"Wow!" I think to myself, "Getting picked up by a cute boy on my first day of school already!" Suddenly however, my smile drops as I remember my plan to be inconspicuous this year. It's my only way to make sure that never happens again. Maybe I could make a run for it before he comes back?

Before I could make up my mind, I hear a rumbling sound coming from behind me. I turn around slowly and see the boy's picturesque face shining from behind the wheel of a golf cart. My face contorts before I can hide my disappointment, but I quickly plaster on a toothy smile, showing off my pearly whites. He hops out of the cart, holding some sort of bundle in his left arm.

"Here." He hands me the bundle of material which turns out to be freshly pressed clothes. "I noticed you were covered in mud water, so I decided to fetch you something a little more comfortable."

I stare at the boy, then down at the bundle of clothes, then back up at him again. All speech is lost on me as my mouth forms a silent "o".

"So what, you just had these laying around, waiting to give them to a damsel in distress?" I say, raising an eyebrow. The boy clutches his chest in mock sorrow.

"It saddens me that you would accuse me of such milady", he wails. I raise my eyebrow even further and he drops the act, looking slightly foolish.

"You can use my bathroom to get changed", he says quietly, indicating his hand towards the proud tower of prosperity.

I get out after taking in as much of the grandness as I can and see him waiting impatiently in the cart. I look down at my attire admiringly. I am rocking a white tennis skirt, a light blue polo shirt and an oversized sweater touched with the lightest of pinks. He looks over at me and his eyes widen, but not in the way you'd expect someone to look at a beautiful girl such as myself. His eyes are laced with something unnameable. Something... like sadness? However, this look vanishes in an instance, leaving me to wonder wether it was ever really there in the first place.

"Get in!" He beckons. "We're going to be late!"

We zoom along at 25 miles per hour, the wind whipping at our faces.

"Say, why did you have these clothes just laying around?" I inquire.

"They were my sisters." He shrugs with no hint of emotion.

"Were?" I interrogate, whipping my head around to face him. His side profile is well defined as he faces onwards, but he doesn't reply or give any indication he even heard me. I pout, and slouch back into the plastic seat. Maybe he didn't hear me over the lashing of the wind. In any case, I don't question any further and we spend the rest of the ride in silence.

Within six minutes, we reach the gates of the school. I could tell a few bars were missing.

"The most prestigious school in Stonebridge, huh?" I smirk, thinking back to the girl in the pink convertible. I look to my left to see the boy already walking towards the gate. In an act of desperation, I call out,

"Hey! You never told me your name!" He turns around and gives me a friendly smile.

"Trixton", he replies, before spinning around quickly and running towards a group of guys.

"Trixton", I repeat softly to myself, trying the name out on my tongue. I smile. Nice name.

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