Friends: The Trustless

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Harry Potter was killed at only 15 months old not because of the prophecy but because his parents were betrayed by someone they trusted. Peter, jealous and betrayed himself stole into the night and killed their son in his crib.

Distressed at the loss of their son, Lily and James plea with Death that he allow him just a few more years before he takes him from them.

Surprisingly, Death agreed but it was not out of the goodness of his nonexistent heart. In fact, just that very night Vodemort was killed and once again resisted Death.

Harry would remain in life until he completes his task of at last bringing Voldemort to Death. Then and only then would Death claim Harry once more.

His parents agreed because they knew it would be many more years before Harry could fight and thats many more than he would get otherwise and so Death returns Harry to life and Marks him in turn taking his parents instead (because no one would call Death ungreedy).

So Harry grows up with Death around every corner as a reminder of the promise but instead of moping he makes the most of it. He is his fathers son in the end and certainly knows how to make life a little more interesting in a little less time.

He does many things in his life knowing that he cannot die until his task is complete and so he races dragons off cliffs, swims with merfolk and grindylows, dances and laughs with ghosts and ghouls, learns astrology with the centaurs, becomes the first person in centuries to successfully break into Gringots Bank and does it just to steal a cup from an enemy and just because he can, he fights trolls and giants, serenades a giant three headed dog, feasts with Giant spiders, speaks riddles with Spinx, fought off hundreds of demetors, and many more adventures.

But its not all fun and games because with these tasks he makes progress, largely unseen, in completely his task. Fianlly. at the age of 17 he succeeds in making Voldemort a Mortal.

Enraged after learning of what Harry has done Voldemort storms to Hogwarts with his army.
Even though Voldemort gave them the choice to give Harry to him so the young students didn't have to fight, they resist and fought all through the night. The ones who were against it or too scared to were kept safe in the dungeon.

Finally at Dawn, believing Harry to be weaked from fighting, Voldenort finally makes his way to the castle himself. Harry meets him at the entrance, already the owner of two of the Deathly Hollows, and though Voldemort has years on him Voldemort was a coward. Even in gaining the Elder Wand he didn't even earn it by his own right but by making a follower do it and killing him when his back. Harry though still tragically young, has much more experience fighting even bigger creatures.

So they duel, qnd Harry claims the Elder Wand, becoming the Master of the Hollows and sends Voldemort at last to Death.

And so with the task complete Death takes Harry as well and Harry greets him like an old friend and the so the story of the Hollows ends as they lay forever with Harry as their final Master.

Bonus: I would've made a notable Hufflepuff and given Draco a remdeption arc so as he collapses at the end he would've be surrounded by four of his friends, the representation of the Hogwarts houses. (Neville, Luna, Draco, and the Hufflepuff)

Not perfect but I just love the idea. I know most readers hate the main character dying but I'm obsessed with the idea of Harry living on borrowed time and still thriving.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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