Chapter 4: Awakening

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AN/ there will be smut in the end of this chapter. You have been warned./

It was dark and his head was spinning, he opened his eyes, slowly looking around his room. Damian was in his bed in the manor. The all too familiar smell of his dog met him and he looked down to see Titus sleeping soundly on his legs. He smiled to himself then noticed that something wasn't right. He tried to think but his mind was groggy and he could not think clearly. He tired his hardest to concentrate, focusing his eyes on Titus and as Titus moved he got it. He saw Titus move but felt nothing. He didn't feel Titus lying on his legs. He desperately tried to move his legs, but nothing, no movement and no feeling. He threw the cover of himself and Titus jumped down. He tried to once again make his legs move. He used his arms to push himself up to a sitting position, resting against the wall. He tried again, noting. He reached for his nightstand and searched for something sharp and found  a small dagger he had hidden there. He put the edge off the blade against his leg expecting pain but felt nothing. His mind panicked and he pushed the blade down into his leg, causing him to start bleeding but nothing. He dropped the knife to the floor and Titus came up to him, licking his hand that was hanging down from the bed. Damian felt like he was losing his mind as he mumbled the same thing over and over again. 

"Paralysed, I'm paralysed." Tears started forming in his emerald eyes. The door opened and he faced Jon and his father's shocked eyes.

"Damian!" Jon said before flying towards him putting pressure on the bleeding wound in his leg.

Damian felt his feelings take control and he completely lost it. He hit Jon hard in the face, which caused him to stumble backwards. He screamed, yelled and threw punches in the air. His father tried to calm him. Damian hit his father with some punches before Bruce got a grip of his hands and  push Damian down into bed trying to hold him still. Damian screamed and cried uncontrollably. He looked and felt completely insane. As his father talked calmly to him, he slowly stopped resisting and the screaming turned into sobs. When he had stopped struggling his father let go of his hands and instead embraced him in a tight hug. Damian slowly felt his sanity returning  but with it came an uncontrollable sense of fear.


Damian was sitting outside in the garden in his wheelchair. It had been two week since Bruce had brought his son back from the hospital and he had woken up. Since then he had not said much. Jon came over when he could and tried to cheer him up. Raven had gone as fast as she had come. Jason had stayed a while but both him and Tim had missions. Dick had stayed until the day before, when he had to return to the Büdhaven. But he would be back in a couple of days. Bruce went out on patrols at night. But he saw how much it hurt Damian that he couldn't come with. Damian was used to a strict routine he kept himself to and he normally trained everyday but in the last weeks he hadn't even tried. He was completely shut down. Bruce had tried to talk to him but he simply didn't get through. Titus didn't leave his master's side but Damian didn't seem to notice. Alfred had tried giving him some new books but he wasn't interested. Bruce knew this healing process would take time. But he hated seeing Damian like that.

"Master Bruce?" Bruce turned to face his old friend and father figure.

"Yes Alfred."

"I am quite worried about the young master. Is there anything I can do?"

*Sigh* "I don't think so Alfred. I think this just has to take its time."


Bruce and Alfred looked outside and they no longer saw Damian. They got up, rushing out into the garden.

"Damian!" Bruce yelled for his son.

"Here father." Bruce turned a corner and saw his son on the ground. His wheelchair on its side.

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