H a n g o v e r

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Hey Damien. You okay ?

Yeah..I just have a huge hangover..

Well, it's obvious..you have zero tolerance for alcohol..

Well, you can say that again..

Ikr !!

Wait, did I call you last night ?

You did.

And you picked up ?

I did.

So, I heard your voice ?

You did.

Damn it. I can't remember anything..


Hotline Girl..

Well, yesterday, you called me babe a lot of times even when I strictly told you not to..

Well, I guess you have to bear with me ;)

Anyway, why did you drink ?


You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..no pressure..

No no..it's okay..it's just that my parents fought again..I guess they really want that divorce..

Oh my God..I had no idea..I'm sorry..

It's okay..it's neither your fault nor mine that they are like this..well, we all saw it coming..so..it really doesn't matter..

You don't want your parents to be together..?

Are you kidding me ?! Of course I want to !
But, I also want them to be happy..so if they are happy without each other..then, well, I have nothing to do but be happy for them..

Wow. That is, actually very, sweet. I didn't know you had it in you. I mean, you're always this inconsiderate jerk and a total egotistical arrogant asswhole..but, sometimes, you're really sweet..

Always the quick one to judge, eh ?

Oh, shut up.

Anyway, I talked to Laura..and she was impressed by..she said what she lkked most about me is that I didn't try to flirt..

Yass baby !

Anyway, I slowly asked her out, and well, she agreed..we're going on our first date..

Yay ! Finally ! I was dying under pressure..

Yeah.. ××


Anyway, remember Christmas is coming in like what, two months ?

Oh yeah..I almost forgot..we have our whole family get together ! Oh I gotta bear with those insufferable idiots..

There are other insufferable idiots ?

Yep. Well, I have my cousins. And then Chase, Lilah, Emma and Trey come over..and they just add to fun ! Oh what joy, note the sarcasm.

Oh yeah. Trey was telling me. He knows you. I asked him, and he gave me a nervous laugh and said that he doesn't wanna die young..

Good. He fears me. :)

Well, it's not very good. I asked Chase and Lilah too. And guess what ? Lilah laughed at me and Chase said all in due time..

Well, good to know that they keep their promises..

Ah of course. But back to the point. Have you ever gone to Santa ? I mean, like sitting on his lap and all ? My cousins, Debby and Will are kinda annoying me so much..they wanna go there..stupid 6 year olds..

No ! I didn't..I really didn't do it on purpose..please don't tell it to anyone..

Ooh. Interesting. What did you do ?

I'd rather not say..

Oh come on ! I don't even know you ! Just tell me already !

Okay. So, when I was 5, my mom took me to the Santa. I sat on his lap and looked at him. His huge moustache and pink face kinda scared me I guess..so well, I vomited on his beard..and also peed on him..but that was once okay ?!

What ?! Damn !!
Oh God ! Classic !

You'll never let me live down this one, right ?

Correct.. ;) ;)

Well, I was little. And I don't like huge beards..so..I was scared I guess..and apparently, I kept on yelling 'Santa's evil'..well, it's not entirely my fault..my Uncle Victor, has a talent for making things scary..he said that Santa's evil and killed kids, and I was little so I believed it..

Wow ! I love this man !

But, he did get an earful from my mom. Gosh, my mom can be scary when she wants to be..

And how is she when she's not angry ?

Ah sweet as sugar, a filled cookie with filling of sarcasm and sass..

Ah. Now I know where you get it from. Mother like daughter.

Now piss off little peasant..I've got work to do..

I'm not a peasant..I'm a handsome and hot peasant..

Still a peasant, Dummy- ien..
What ?

Get it ? Cause you're name's Damien and you're a dummy..

No seriously, what ? Ah. That.

There you go. A perfect dummy.

Anyway, I gotta go..

Yeah..kay..take care..

Of course.. ;)

Gosh. Eww. Piss off.

Whatever you say, m'lady.. ;)

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