M y s t e r y P r i n c e s s

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Hello..how did the date go ?

Well, if you had stayed a little bit longer, you would've known..

Sorry..but you were going perfectly fine..you had it all under control..besides, she got you covered..

God ! How are you so smart all the time and suddenly be dumb in this ?

Excuse me..?


Now stop fooling around. Tell me how did the date go ? Did you become her 'maybe boyfriend' to 'completely official boyfriend' ?

Well, about that..

What ?

I've got something to tell you..

Should I be worried..?

Nope. Chill. The thing is that..I broke up with her..


Yep. I broke up with her. Told her I wasn't interested. She took it rather well.

Did she ? Did she really ?

Actually, no. She did slap me for 'faking' my feelings and 'leading' her on..

Goddamn. But why did you break up ? She was perfect for you..

Yeah, but I'd rather be with someone who's imperfect..like me..

Woah. Hold up. What are you getting at ?

I'm saying..that I'm in love..not with Laura, not with Lilliana..but with someone who's way out of my league..

Damn ! You fall fast !
I have to help you with her too ?

Not really. I've got it covered, actually.

Wow. That's great..




Oh come on ! Who is she ?! Tell me !

Yeah, no. Nope. Not gonna happen. Atleast, not until I tell her..

What ? I have to wait all that while ?

Why..? It can be sooner than you think..

Oh come on. Don't kid with me. You got all kind of confidence when you're being all jerky and playboy type, but when it comes to confessing your feelings, you're literally worse than a rookie..

Thanks. That made me feel a lot better.

I know ;)


Just stop, okay ? Give me hints. I need to find out this mystery princess..


Please. Just for me..

Okay fine.
1. You know her real well..
2. She knows that I am an insufferable idiot and a total jerky playboy..

Ooh. I like this girl. Sassy.

Yeah. You should like her. She's the best..

Oh man, you're whipped..like harder than whipped cream..you're like hopeless..

I know..and I'm am pretty happy about it..

Anyway, you said I know her right ?
So, who can she be..?

Keep on thinking. Not gonna tell you.

You're using my words against me, aren't you ?

Yep. ;) And luckily, I get to be the prince charming in this one..

God..help me..

Hey can I ask you a question...?

Sure. Go ahead.

Are you sure you won't mind..?

Omg ! Stop being so formal..shoot.

Why don't you..have a boyfriend ?

You want the truth..?


I don't think that I'm the kind of girl guys fall in love with..

Oh darling, how wrong you are. If only you knew.. (unsent)

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