"MOTHER!" the pup howls,"Run Fallen run as fast as you can, Good bye my son." Tears streams down the pups face he had just seen his mother die and he was reminded on the words his mom had said to him, he clears his thoughts and starts to run,so he run to the forest Till he can't run any longer.
Fallens POV.
It's been a year since my Mom died,I'm a adult now.I do miss her some times but I always remember what she used to tell me when I was still a pup always follow my heart, my heart says that I should create a pack but my brain says I'm a loner I've always been alone I don't know how I'm going to do this but I'll have to find a way I'm going to find a way at least I think I will.
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Soon I go to travel,I see this beautiful white wolf, it's a female I go over slowly waiting to see if I'll get it attacked by a male but instead I get looked at I find out it's a girl but she soon runs into the forest a little bit some, I can tell that she's scared she can tell that I'm a boy and thinks that I might attack, but I'm not going to I'm more of a neutral wolf I don't want to attack her I howl innocently, she howls back I know what she's saying.She said hello I say hello back and then I soon tell her that I'm no threat to her and that I don't want to hurt her.I just want to talk, she says that it's fine to come closer so I walk over slowly and she says that's far enough,I obey and sit down right then and there. I tell her that I'm a wolf looking to make a pack she says that she's always wanted a pack.
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so we joined together hoping to find someone that can help us with creating a pack because we're just friends we're looking for some other wolves maybe some abandoned pups just to fill our pack but we don't find anybody for a week.It's been two weeks we still haven't found anybody it's getting harder to catch prey I soon begin to feel this feeling whenever I look at the snowy white wolf, I still don't know her name I wonder what her name is so I asked her she says her name is amethyst I say that's a beautiful name she asked what my name is, I haven't told her yet, I say I don't have a name but she says that everyone has a name, I decide to tell her anyway I tell her I'm Fallen she says that's a quite a good name why did you say you didn't have a name, so I tell her that my pack descended from my mom her name was was Luna, my father didn't come back when I was born so I was born with no father, my father abandoned her, she soon said that he had died.I didn't want to believe her because I didn't want to believe that my father had died I didn't even know him so she decided to name me Fallen because of how heartbroken I was, soon the demon pack came and destroyed my pack, killed my mom and I ran not knowing where I was going I ran into the forest and decided that I would grow up there, I've been living off of berries mostly dead animals that have been killed previously so that was my life until I grew to an adult and was pretty bad at being able to hunt, I'm still pretty bad at hunting.I had no training and my mom always said that I shouldn't try to kill animals that I should be friendly to them try to be friends them, she never actually looked happy I always would wonder why she looked so sad but she always said that it was nothing she just was a bit sick feeling she always said that I began to get very worried she was always saying that she felt sick, I didn't want my mom to be sick I want her to be healthy so I went out and hunted of course I only caught a vole. It wasn't much but I made my mom proud that day.
Hey you guys I'm editing this at like 10:30 pm so yeah sorry if the story gets a little messy, this chapter has 816 words and it took a lot of time to do. SO NO SHAMING ME PLS! 1/21/21
4/26/22 so this has been edited and preread to see that it made since.