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        The days leading up to fight night went by really fast.  Korra didn’t see the crew or Asami often because Mako had to focus on school to be able to fight; Bolin had just been spending more time with Opal; And Asami was just really busy as usual, tutoring and doing engineering stuff.

    In her free time, Korra either just went to the gym to train more, or to the cafe to study for school.  It was the day before the fight, and Korra went to the docks on the outskirts of the city to clear her mind. This was her usual routine before a fight.  Once she got to the docks she noticed another women sitting at the edge of it. She looked closer at the being, and once she got a good enough look, she knew it was Asami.

    Korra was a bit baffled when she saw the other women; in fact she never even considered if Asami ever came to this part of the city.  She always thought that she was always busy around town doing important stuff for her father, or working on school work.  Korra contemplated on going to greet the other women, or letting her be.  She chose to not annoy her, and waited for her to leave.  She just stared at Asami, wondering what she was thinking about, because Korra really only saw one side of the woman, usually happy, and caring for others; in fact, this was the only time Korra ever saw Asami neither of those things.

    Korra heard a deep sigh, and looked back at Asami more contently. The other women slowly got up and walked away briskly; meanwhile, Korra noticed unshed tears gleaming in her eyes. Before she could try and console her, Asami was already lost in the crowd behind her.

    Korra took her spot on the edge of the dock and thought about what had transpired, and the fight tomorrow night.

    Even though she had a lot of time to clear her mind, Korra just couldn’t get the thought of Asami crying out of her mind by the time she got her apartment.  After thinking so much about it, she decided she would confront Asami the next day, probably after to fight.


    Bolin, Mako, and Korra warmed up backstage of the arena. Asami was also there giving some tips on their form, and ways to counter; furthermore, the whole team was really thankful she decided to watch their match.

    Korra was still worried about what she had seen the other day, but didn’t make it obvious to anyone else.  The announcements for the fight to begin rang through the building; in addition they all got ready to head over to the octagon.  Before splitting off into the crowd Asami wished everyone good luck and gave an encouraging smile.

    Mako was the first one up to fight. He and his opponent were head to head, but by the end of the round Mako had him in an armbar, luckily his opponent lasted the last seconds not tapping out.

    Bolin went next.  He took a few punches, but with his bigger build he endeared more.  His opponent and him threw punches and kicks back and forth, but nearing the end of the round Bolin caught his opponent with a superman punch, knocking him out.  The crowd went crazy, and he took his praise proudly.

    The last round was all Korra’s.  She quickly took her opponent to the ground after he tried to throw the first punch, by dodging it, and swiping his legs.  She swiftly got him into a submission maneuver causing him to tap out a couple seconds later.

    With the last round over the judges went over numbers and proclaimed the Fire Ferrets the winners.  Elated with their victory they celebrated with hugs and praises to one another.
    Asami quickly came over and congratulated each of them.

    “Thanks, Asami,” Korra said grinning, “ we couldn’t have done it if you hadn’t tutored Sharkbrows over here,” she pointed towards Mako.  He blushed hearing the nickname and also thanked Asami.  Because of the win that night, the crew decided to go out to eat, and this time all of them would pitch in for the the bill, no arguments.

    After getting cleaned up Korra quickly got Asami alone, walking behind to two brothers on their way to Nuruks.  She smiled at her worriedly.

    “Hey…,” she said quietly scratching the back of her head. She had no idea how to initiate this conversation.  “Uhh,” she looked over at Asami again embarrassed cause of her loss of words.  Asami looked back at her confused.  “I kinda saw you at the docks the other day crying,” Korra blurted quietly and quickly flushing red, having admitted that she was watching  Asami.  Asami looked shocked. After meeting Korra’s eyes, she very quickly moved her head down to avoid them.

    “It- it was nothing,” she stuttered.  She raised her head slowly to look at Korra. “How about I tell you later, after dinner,” she suggested.  Korra looked back still worried, but nodded, not wanting to press Asami.



    “Are you sure you guys don’t want to walk with us,” Bolin said spreading his arms out showing Mako and himself.

    “No, we’re fine, Bo.  Besides Asami heads in the direction of my apartment to get to her house,” both brothers shrugged and headed out, saying their goodbyes.

    The two women put on their coats do defend themselves from the cold winds outside.  Korra looked up at Asami. It seemed like she was scared or didn’t want to get into the conversation that was about to happen.

    “You know, if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you,” Korra said not wanting to force Asami into anything.

    “No, it’s fine,” she said back, keeping her head down though. “I need to get it off my chest.” Korra looked back to her and nodded in reassurance.  Asami took a deep breath and began to vent. The two women walked while she explained everything.

    “I was crying that day-” she paused like she couldn’t get it out, “because it was the anniversary of my mother’s death.  We always walked by the docks, and she always told me stories about the sea,” she was near crying now, just that her tears hadn’t shed just yet, and she explained more about her and her mother.  Korra learned that her mother had died when Asami was young.  Once she looked at Korra eyes to eyes the dam broke. “Sorry, I’ve never really told anyone about her.”

    The two had made it to Korra’s apartment.  “It’s ok, Asami,” she said as she looked at her.  “I’m always here if you want to talk,” she said as she opened the door to her apartment.

    “Korra?” Asami called back.  Korra looked back at her worried, but that worry quickly turned into confusion when she was embraced by Asami.  She quickly got over her confusion and hugged back tightly to reassure the other woman.  “Thanks,” Asami said as she pulled back.  Korra smiled at the fact that Asami wasn’t crying anymore, and that she was smiling.


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