Lost and Found

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        Korra tried avoiding everyone. The crew couldn’t even practice together anymore for their up coming match. Bolin and Mako tried everything; in fact, they even tried to drag her out of her house, but Korra resisted, and seeing their friend like this, the two brothers didn’t want to push her.  Kuvira had sent Korra a bucket load of messages, and Korra didn’t even check her phone; as a matter of fact, Korra’s phone was on “do not disturb” settings, and she had thrown it in her closet somewhere.  Asami had done everything in her power to get Korra to talk to her, but she didn’t budge at all. Whenever Asami had gone to her house, Korra checked the peep hole, and if it was her she just sat against the door waiting for her to leave. Asami gave remarks, like she knew she was in there, that she had to explain herself, and that Korra just had to listen. After not getting an answer she would leave, only to come back in two days or the next.

    Now Korra had snuck out of her apartment.  Before she left she made sure no one was coming to check on her so she wouldn’t be bombarded with questions and more.  She needed some fresh air after being cooped up in her apartment so long, and she wanted to go for a long walk.  

    She unconsciously made her way back to the park.  It was extra beautiful today because she had made it before sunset, and there was a new statue added for a war veteran.  The sun had casted off of the water and the statue, creating beautiful colors.  

    Korra’s mind drifted back to Asami, and their first time in the park together. It was so fun, and Korra might not even get to see her again without feeling sad or mad; in addition, she had this ache knowing Asami and her might not even talk anymore. Knowing the park gave Korra a forlorn feeling, she left, and walked on not knowing where to go.

    Korra found herself on the badder side of the city. There were a lot of homeless people, and it smelled like piss.  Korra didn’t really notice any of this though because she was so lost in her reverie. She wasn’t even phased when she was shoved and pushed during the evening rush.  Her mind wasn’t even really thinking, or processing anything. She was just lost.

    Feeling her stomach rumble, she squeezed it trying to make the ache stop. She looked around, and made her way to a small restaurant/bar.  When she entered there were only five other people. Two women, and three men including the bartender.  

    “Can I have the best food you’ve got?” she asked the bartender. He nodded, and went to the back. He came back with some grubb.

    “You might not like it,” he nodded towards the dish. Korra shrugged, satisfied with something that would fill her.

    She quickly ate, and headed out, before someone grabbed her wrist, and stopped her.  She whipped her head around, to see a bulky guy.

    “Hey-” he started out with a smirk on his face. This quickly angered Korra, and she quickly bent his wrist, and kicked him in the side.

    “Don’t touch me,” she demanded. The others in the bar looked at her in awe while she walked her way out.

    She made her way back to her house still in her lost reverie.  She came closer to her house to see person sitting before her door. It was Kuvira.

    “What are you-,” she tried asking.

    “Look, before you get all hot headed on me, just hear me out,” she stated. Korra looked skeptical, but wanted to hear what she had to say, so she shrugged still looking skeptical.  “I’m not one to tell you how Asami feels about you, so you should really hear her out.”

    “What is there to hear. I already know she doesn’t feel the same about me. Heck I don’t even know if she’s into women,” Korra pushed past Kuvira and into her house slamming the door.  Kuvira smashed the door with her fists.

    “Korra, just listen to what Asami has to say!” she yelled through the door. Korra contemplated on what she said, but anger was still taking over her thoughts.

    “Just leave me alone!” she yelled through to door. After she said this, she heard Kuvira sigh in frustration and stomp away.  Korra felt so enraged, and all she wanted to was forget about Asami. She made her feel so different; all she wanted to do was give her a big hug, and cuddle...KORRA! She was so frustrated with herself. She wanted so badly to be with Asami now, and the emptiness was eating her alive.

    “UUUUHHH,” she tugged at her hair.


    The doorbell rang. Korra quickly made her way to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Asami, but this time instead of ignoring her she acted first. “What do you want?” she asked. Asami was taken back because this was the first time Korra had talked to her in a couple days.

    “Korra?” she asked timidly, “Can I come in?” Korra couldn’t take it anymore. She had to see her friend’s face, and she opened the door and faced a worried looking Asami.  “Korra I-I… I didn’t get to explain myself, and I really missed you, and I-I,” she was at a stumble with her words. Korra felt good to know that she missed her too, but she kept a straight face thinking that Asami would probably tell her she doesn’t like her. “I-I li-like you too,” she flushed red. The two women stood staring at eachother. Korra was so taken back. “It’s just that I was really confused, and I’ve never been attracted to another woman, and-” Korra stopped her with a big bear hug. She let loose a little bit to let Asami breath but still hung tightly to her.

    “It’s ok.”





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