Chapter 12.

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Veronika's POV

I grab the mic and speak up.

"I know we are gathered here today to honor my brother in finally acquiring the position he has worked really hard for. But sorry Yeonjun it's my birthday as well but to congratulate you on your big day here are some precious family memories that I would like to share with all of you."

I nod at the tech guy and just smirk as my eyes meet Namjoon's and he raises his glass at me and mouths the words happy birthday.

The video starts of slow with real memories of our childhood so that it doesn't alarm anyone but soon gasps are heard all around me making me grin as I hear dear father shouting for it to stop.

I quickly get back up there as the video ends.

"Oops? I think I got the wrong drive with me but well what you just saw was the truth. You see Mr. and Mrs. Choi committed the crime you just saw, right on this very day eleven years ago.

They singlehandedly manage to ruin a family's life and just because they had so much money they really thought they could buy everyone, everyone but me.

You see on this very day as I celebrate 23 years of my life, I was robbed by these two monsters. They took away my happiness right this day, 11 years ago. I had to pretend to lose my memories so that I too would not be eliminated just how my parents were taken away from me.

That's right someone did survive that night of the accident and that was me. My name's not Veronika Choi it's Veronika Park and I as an eye witness to this cold hit and run murder can say now with all the evidence that it was them who killed my parents."

And with that my cousin Jimin enters with the police who stop Mr. Choi from fleeing the scene. Relief fills me as Jimin comes up and hugs me making me break down in his arms.

I did it! I avenged and brought justice to the crime that happened with me. I look around and my eyes find Namjoon who looks shocked and hurt at the same time. He turns and finally looks at me, I offer him a small smile but when I see him get up. I look back at Jimin who nods at me and I go back from where I came.

I'm sorry Joon but I have to go, go away from all of this and from you. I know you're not ready but I hope someday you open up your heart and let some other nice girl in even though it won't be me.

Sobbing I drive off as fast as I can before he could catch up to me and head to the airport where my flight was waiting for me.

I love you Kim Namjoon. Take care.

Namjoon's POV

The event turns into chaos after the spine chilling words come out of her mouth. It was her? She was the one who had to go through all this trauma and at such a young age. I see everyone's jaws dropped and the guy who entered with the police who at the moment were arresting my enemy's, rushed towards her.

I should be savouring this moment but I can't help but see my girl breaking down into the arms of an another man. I look at her and she manages to offer me a broken smile that make me want to snatch her up in my arms and protect her at all costs which is what I was about do but I see her running out.

Confused I try to follow her but the guy from earlier stops me, now that I look closely it's the same guy who came in to get the papers signed. I try to push him off but for a short guy he's pretty strong.

"Mr. Kim stop fighting me and let my sister go! She doesn't want you to follow after her. Why would you even go after her now when you got the revenge you finally wanted. Look around you the Choi's are crumbling just like how you wanted. Enjoy it and leave my sister the hell alone."

Sister? And then it hits me. His name was Park Jimin, Senior Partner in Park & Park Law Firm.

He's right I finally got what I wanted, I've been waiting for this day for years and now that it's here why is it that I don't feel the joy I was supposed to? The satisfaction in my heart when I saw handcuffs around that old man. Why?

The answer because she was hurt and broken, this wasn't my revenge to take but hers and she did it. I'm so proud of her to be able to stand tall and strong while going after the people who did take care of her for 11 whole years.

I could feel my hear brake for the girl who owned it and if she wants me to stay away, I will respect her wishes and her let her go for now. I'll give her the space she needs to heal after what possibly could have been the biggest event in her life after that night.

But babygirl I'll find you wherever you are and I promise to protect you from all evil in the world, even though for now it's me.

A.N - And finally the plot reveals! But don't go anywhere as this isn't the end of Veronika & Namjoon. 

Park Jimin as Veronika's Cousin

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Park Jimin as Veronika's Cousin.

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