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"y/n....!"a voice whispered in your ear

"Hm..? AH" you scream hitting him
Your eyes widen

"It's fine I see your feeling abit better how's your arm you have a big cut on it"
As he says that you look at it and see it rapped up
"Oh t-thanks!" You say smiling m

"No problem gummy bear~"he says patting your head
"Now let's go get you some food~"he says lifting you up

"W-when will I start to walk again..?"you ask covering you face with your hands

Hmm don't know we will try tomorrow~" he says

You have been together for a few weeks you found out what he worked as and he always used to come home late time skip to ur b day
Also he became ur bf lmao

Night time

"H-hisoka..?"you ask going up to him
"Yes~"he says looking at you
"I-it's my birthday can you come early home..?"you ask messing with your hands
"Hm~ it is~ of course I will pumpkin~"
"Pinky promise?" You say putting your pinkie out
He couples is pinkie on to yours and says pinky promise

Hisoka x innocent reader bcs why not 🥰👍Where stories live. Discover now