Forgot what chapter lmao

722 15 3

"Y/N~ wake up!"Hisoka says playing with your hair.
"Leave me alone..."
He gets up and lifts ur head up gently but with a tight grasp

"Now I got you some clothes go try them on~" as he leaves he puts your head and you go to the bathroom

"Now I got you some clothes go try them on~" as he leaves he puts your head and you go to the bathroom

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 Or u can imagine any

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Or u can imagine any

You got dressed in your morning outfit and saw some hair decorations (forgot what there called lol) and you put some in your hair

You got dressed in your morning outfit and saw some hair decorations (forgot what there called lol) and you put some in your hair

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This is what ur hair looks like but with your h/c of choice and colour of the thingy clips of choice

You looked in the mirror and saw some pjs on the counter you went to look at them

You looked in the mirror and saw some pjs on the counter you went to look at them

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You sighed and then heard a know at the door

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You sighed and then heard a know at the door

It was hisoka

Hisoka x innocent reader bcs why not 🥰👍Where stories live. Discover now