Fundy's death (version 1)

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Wilbur screamed at the top of his lungs. It was enough. Fundy stood on the wooden edge of the flag, which was burning. The smoke kinda blurred his vision, and the strong heat of the fire, made him sweaty. He didn't even care about his fathers screams, at this point he didn't even hear him. But, when Schlatt, Eret, and even Tommy started screaming. He looked around and saw his tail was on fire. He screamed finally feeling the pain. He tried to walk backwards but he fell off the flag,and hit the ground with a loud thud. He screamed in pain trying to get the fire off him while the others just stared. He finally feel to the ground,in a fetal position, trembling. His father ran up to him with a bucket of water, and splashed on him.

Or al least has remained of him.

His tail was now just a stick-like bone. His right hand was no more and his left one was also burned to the skeleton. His once clear fox face was now distorted. One of his eyes looked like it was melting and the other was just gone. His stomach was half burned, in a way you could see his guts. His father just looked at him. His gaze turned to the flag, then back at Fundy. He was hurt badly but somehow still alive. He could survive. Even burned in those horrible ways, he could still survive. Whit the power of brewing potions, not only he could stay alive, but also regain his face features.

But no.

Wilbur had enough of this. He smirked at his son. Then brutally hit him with his foot, directly on his face. Just a reminder Wilbur wears boots that are made for winters snow. Than he did it again. And again. And again.while screaming in anger "I SHOULD OF RAISED A BETTER SON". Fundy was begging Wilbur to spear him, but Wilbur wasn't having it. He screamed more insults like "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER SON". He hit Fundys head until he heard a loud CRACK. He closed his eyes, and when he looked back. Fundy's head was, in a word, broken. His brains were all over around where his head was supposed to be. Blood was around Wilburs leg. The others were starring in disgust. But then...

Wilbur chuckled. And then started laughing maniacally like the murder he was. He then took a sword of the ground and started stabbing Fundys corpse with it. Screaming "WATCH ! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO TRAITORS ! DON'T YOU LIKE IT SCHLATT ?? AHAHAHAHA !!!!"

He didn't stop until all of his sons organs were out of his body. Everyone screamed in despair as they watched. Even Jschlatt was trembling. Niki started crying.

But then Wilbur looked back at what he has done. And out of shook, dropped his weapon, heavy breathing. His anger got the best of him this time.

Tears started falling over Fundys not moving body. He was dead.

And was killed by the person he used to trust the most. To love the most. The person that sang songs to him when he was just a pup. The person that promised to protect him.

The person who cared.

[DISCONTINUED] Dream TEAM/L'manburg GORE one shots Where stories live. Discover now