Character - Connor Schmidt

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Full Name:

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Full Name:

Connor Danielle Schmidt



July 7th

5'5 (1.7 m)
Hair Color:

Jet Black
Eye Color:

Dark, Dark Brown



Student, Hero of the City
Hero Name:

Dr. Crook

Studying, Stopping Bad Guys, Drawing

Peace and Quiet, Art, Gothic Novels

Villains in General, Social Gatherings, Making Plans, Being Put In Uncomfortable Situations

He is very sarcastic and done with everything. He tries to follow a plan accordingly, to which he greatly fails. He absolutely despises villains and thinks that they are nothing more than bad guys. He struggles with trusting people and he often isolates himself so people don't bother him. He claims that he doesn't want the people close to him to figure out that he's Dr. Crook because he hates attention being drawn to himself, but he really does it because he's afraid that they might get hurt because of him.

All his life, he has been taught by his father the "good Christian values". It has been hammered into him since day one. He always thought that any bad guy is nothing more than that. And when he first encountered Captain Ibis, he was terrified. But once the feeling subsided, he was fueled with rage and determination. He created a random outfit and left his house secretly to fight crime. He started out by stopping muggers from stealing purses and worked his way to the top. Now, he's considered hero of the city, but he has pretty outdated morals because of that.

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