chapter one

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"Hey, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering what train I would have to get to Washington Uni?"

"The train leaves at 5:15 and it's a half an hour ride from platform 4. Would you like a ticket?"

I nod as she starts tapping away into her computer.

"That will be $3.50" the women named 'Sophie' according to a peeling name tag attached to her creased polo top says. "Your accents cute. Where you from?"

"Oh I am from South London" I state plainly as slide the money across the counter.

"That's nice, I used to have a friend called Lucie who moved to London"

I nod at the irrelevant information given to me. Turning around to find platform 4. I begin to walk towards it.


I get on the train just as it is about to go. Finding a seat; I plug my headphones into my phone and began to listen to my 'grime bb' playlist on Spotify. Staring out the window I begin to panic, Hardin doesn't know that I am coming nor does he know about mum's absence. Who will I stay with? What will I do about food? What will Hardin do? Where does he even live? Oh for fucks sake! I could have planned this a bit better.  All I have got is a few days worth of change of clothes, a small bag of makeup, a bottle of water and my purse.

I begin to feel a tear slip out of the corner of my left eye. I can't cry. It will make me look weak and vulnerable and that's s the last thing I need is mascara to be halfway down my face. What if he doesn't remember you? And you walk in and he be like who are you and you be like it's me lol. I crease at my thoughts.

"Exit this station for Washington University" I hear the robotic voice of the train speaker say.

I get of the train and walk out of the station. The areas nice, I guess. Different from back home but it's alright.  I look across a road and see a few people waiting for a bus at a stop and quickly walk over. I walk up to the bus stop and notice a bus map. Approaching the bus map I see two girls sitting on a bench looking at their phones while sharing headphones. The blonde girl, who looks like a stereotypical American cheerleader, turns to her friend and asks

" are you going to the frat party tonight?"

"Hmmm I am not sure" the girl with the dark brown hair replies.

"Oh come Lyra, please, everyone is going!" Everyone's going? Maybe Hardin will be there, but he never seemed the type to go out parting and get drunk. I will go anyway I guess because there's a high possibility he will be there.

"I guess but we are freshers" Lyra answers.

"Hey," I walk over before I can think. "Are you freshers?"

"Yh are you?" The blonde girl asks.

"I believe I am" I chuckle. What am I on? I now go here haha and I oop.

"You're accents cute! Where abouts you from?" Lyra says

"Thanks, I am from London and my names Madison"

"Ahhh that's so sweet, my names Chelsea and this is Lyra." The 'cheerleader' replies.

"Are you going to the motive tonight?" I ask

"The what?" Lyra replies raising an eyebrow.

"The motive uno the party?" I say.

"Well... I was just convincing Lyra to come. Are you?" Chelsea asks.
The bus pulls up and I show the driver my train ticket which somehow I am allowed on the bus by.

"I mean I guess, i don't know where it is nor in that case do I have a ride" I reply as a walk to the back of the bus.

"You should come with us my friend Blake is taking us. You should come"

I nod. " Sure. When and where?"

"We're meeting him around 7 -ish outside to English block, pass me your phone so I can quickly put my number in" Chelsea answers

"Calm" I hand her my phone. I know for a fact getting in a car with a complete stranger is a bad idea but you only live once I guess.

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