chapter two

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Next thing I know is I am standing outside the frat house. Music is blaring uncontrollably that it almost makes me feel uncomfortable, I feel Blake gently nudge my shoulders telling me to move forward. I begin to walk towards the entrance. Thoughts race into my head. What if he doesn't remember me? Hardin never seemed to be a 'frat boy'. I push the thoughts aside and walk up the stairs to the porch area. Walking through the door I smell a thick scent of weed and alcohol. The house is full and the music makes my heart beat to the beat of the song playing.

I walk into the main open plan living room area. Passing a girl who was throwing up her guts onto a plant in the hallway.

As I strut further into the room the becomes thick and stuffy and I begin to feel uncomfortable.

"Welcome to the madness" Blake appears behind me with a red cup full of god knows what. I smile and accept the drink knowing full well I am not going to drink it.

So this is a madness? Haha as if. Back home when someone talks about a madness it's usually consists of going down the park getting drunk and lightning fireworks and shooting them at each other or a passerby. Sometimes, you shoot them through a letter box or something, depending on who you with. ( welcome to south London  tings :) )
So this is hardly a madness.

I continue to walk further into the room. Seeing if I would recognise a face in the dark crowded room. I see someone light up a blem besides me and walk over and smile innocently.

"Heyyyy," I say dragging out the 'y'. "Do any of you have a lighter?"

The man with the blem hanging out the side of his mouth, holds out his hand to lend me his. I search through the spare bumbag that Lyra had bought along for me.

"Ahh shit, I seemed to have lost my spliff"  I sigh, although knowing full well I never brought one in the first place. I put my drink down while making a note not to pick it back up. 

"Here" he holds out his a cigarette pack that was replaced with spliffs instead of fags.

"Thank you" I smile, taking one. Bending over to allow the weed to catch alight, I begin to feel a bit more comfortable. I stand with them for about 3 minutes after I hug the man and walk away.

I walk and see some people sitting around a coffee table and sprawled across chairs and a sofa. Except from a girl who is sat politely on a chair. That looks a bit dead. Everyone who's there has multiple tattoos and piercings, expect from the girl.

I feel eyes on me and look around trying to find whose looking at me. I take a drag of my spliff. As soon as a breath out; I instantly take another drag. Feeling my lips wrapped round the paper feels normal due to me smoking so much when I am at home. I feel my muscles ease and I can't help but smile to myself. I can still feel eyes on me I look up to see a boy on a sofa looking at me. He's lay across the sofa wearing a black top and jeans. A girl with pink dyed ends of hair is straddling his waist. His eyes meet mine. Hardin. He has our mother's eyes. I nod my head towards the back door signalling I want to talk to him in private. But he shakes his head indicating I need to walk over to where there sat.

Taking another drag, I strut over. Feeling everyone whose surrounding the coffee tables eyes turn to me. I stand at the head of the table and say

"Is it alright if I talk to Hardin bare quick" I say through a fake grin that i had plastered on to my face. Everyone turns to look at him.

"Looks like you have an admirer" the girl who's straddling his waist chuckles.  Hardin gently pushing her off made his way to his feet. I raise and eyebrow at the girl lightly holding on to his arm, as if begging him not to leave her. Carefully watching him get to his feet I take another drag noticing him slightly clench his jaw.

I follow him into the garden. Walking further into the garden he stops to close the door behind us. The air is bitter and unwilling. I put my lips to the end of the welcoming spliff and tilt my head up slightly as I exhale.

"What are you doing here?" The voice behind me states. I turn on my heels to face him.

"Well it's nice to see you to" I say I sarcastically laugh.

"Why are you here?" He questions again.

"To be honest I am not sure; mums in hospital dying so I thought I would tell you..." I reply bluntly. 

"So you bought a plane ticket with the money we don't have. For fucks sake Mads, you have a fully working phone you couldn't call!" He screams, making me jump a little. it's almost frightening the way dad use to scream when he was drunk angry.

"Haha, you think that's money from mum? Also don't call me Mads" I laugh at him back.

"Well where did you get the money from?" He demands

"Where do you think?" I say rolling my eyes, while taking another inhale I feel my bones start to relax. Hardin lifts up his hand an knocks the weed from my hand and steps on its putting the fire out.

"Drug runs? Are you being fucking serious?" He screams again.

"Are you being fucking serious? Mums dying in hospital and all you care about are my fucking drug runs!," I scream back at him. I see his eyes widen slightly at my unexpected outburst. "Grow the fuck up! I thought i would come to tell you and we could have a civil conversation about this"

"Mads look I wasn't expecting you to turn up out of the blue..." He begins to apologise but i quickly cut him off.

"Do not call me Mads" I look at him directly in the eye.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? Please. It's getting late and it cold. Just come inside and meet some of my mates"  i raise an eyebrow at his response. I give a slight nod of my head. I begin to follow him back up to the frat.

"The cold? Really" I whisper to myself, once again rolling my eyes at his excuse.

"Where you staying tonight?" He bluntly states

"I don't know, I was planning on sleeping with someone to be honest" I tell him honestly. I hadn't really thought about the fact I was temporary homeless.
He stops and turns to look at me

"You're gonna sleep with someone?," he says mocking the idea. "Just stay here and sleep on the floor"

"That's calm,"I say as I walk and to open the door stepping back into the house. "Go on and introduce me to the mandem then"

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