chapter five

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"So what did Jace say" he asks. Following me as I walk into the kitchen -living room space. Plopping himself on the sofa; I go around to the cupboard under the sink in kitchen area. I open the cupboard to revel a very little amount of washing up liquid and a soap.

"Where do you keep the bin bags?" I ask. He points two cupboards along from where I was standing.

"Don't avoid the question," I walk over to the cupboard and open it revealing a roll of black bin liners. I take one and begin to put empty beer cans in. "What did Jace say last night?" He leans for putting his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands.
I try and cast my mind back to last night but i can't really remember any events that happened. Not because I was drunk: because I don't drink. More the fact it felt like years ago even though it was only last night.

I shrug my shoulders " I can't remember" he rolls his eyes and leans back into the sofa.

"What, you can't remember nothing?" He questions

"Yeah nothin'. Actually he made a comment about me being British and being pissed but I generally can't remember" I say and shrug my shoulders and continue to put the empty cans in the bag. "So if imma stay out here with you for a few months, I need a job and a place at WCU" I state and we'll go back home for Christmas so it will be fine leaving mum in the hospital; she has nana and she's being taken care of. (Big up the nhs) "oh yeah. I am not sleeping on the floor for months and listen to every girl you shag"

"Who says I shag every girl?" He smirk.

"No-one, you just give off 'imma fuckboi' energy" I chuckle. "Uno 'small dick energy'"

"Right that does it!" He says and stands from the sofa. I feel my eyebrow raise, I really need to get that under control because I swear down I will end up being shanked if I'm not u. He stands up and walks over to the kitchen area so only a small kitchen island was separating us. He begins to run towards me. He ends up chasing me around the table.

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