
19 1 0

Date written: 1-18-15 (11:54 AM)

Annyeong chingus!

Okay. First I wanna thank my sleep for this short story. Why? Well thanks to that holy sleep, I got to dream in such an accurate vision. Usually when people dream, they don't get to see faces and by the time they wake up, they just automatically forget it like how I normally do. But this dream? It's different. Well. I kinda didn't forget it. In fact, I completely can remember it. It's pretty spectacular for me though. I just didn't expect him to be in it. Thanks to him I woke up, dazed, smiling like an idiot.

Second, thanks to you! Thanks for trusting this short story to be worthy enough of your read-- or vote if I get lucky.

And last, I wanna tell you what I did to have a good night sleep and possibly a dream like this too: urinate before you do.

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