Morisuke Yaku catch up

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how you met

you're kenma's friend from birth and have been close from day one so you decided to visit him at practice and then you met yaku who seemed really cool and funny. kenma was okay with you guys talking becuase no matter what he was your main priority. 


yours-bumkin, babes, prince (becuz fuck gender norms)

his- bitchlet, baby, and princess

when you get hit on

he gets defensive but won't say something because that's kuroo's job (kenma makes him do it)


he's okay with it as long as you are too

% of jealousy

50\50, it depends on the situation.

you say i love you for the first time

he was at a game and you were in the crowd, he was losing and starting to get upset so you yelled "i love you princess! you're doing great!" after that they ended up winning and he was smiling the whole time.

you get into a fight

Someone was picking on kenma behind his back and him basically being your brother you attacked them for attacking him. the person ended up punching you really hard giving you a bruise and bloody nose but you kept fighting and ended up knocking them out, the bad news ws that yaku and kenma were both coming to hangout with you and would be there any minute.

how he reacts to your injuries

yaku freaked out and made sure you were okay and kenma told you that he was gonna kill you when you were all better. yaku held you tightly hating seeing you all beat up, you laughed awkwardly nd said "woops" 

you "accidentally" throw a ball at him

he was at practice and kuroo was trying to teach you to serve and you ended up hitting him with the ball, he looked at you and you pointed at kuroo who was laughing.

you meet his mom

she loved you so much and was so excited that yaku found someone like you.

he walks in on you changing

he didn't know what to do so he just nodded and walked away, you were confused and embarrassed.

you come home with a random child

you were babysitting and lost track of your little brother and ended up bringing home the wrong kid, he panicked and you brought the kid back and grabbed your brother and apologized to the mother.

3am texts

you- babe you awake

20 mins later

you- sleep well you bitchlet :) see ya in the morning

-next morning-

him- wtf??

he yells at you

you were shocked at first, you were just trying to help him but he yelled, you laughed "who tf you think you're talking to? i will slap the shit outta you." he felt bad and you walked away letting him cool off

you catch him cheating

he didn't man to, a girl kissed him as a dare but you only saw the kiss and threww your drink at them both "fuck you yaku" and left before he could explain himself.

him without you

he was torn up, you wouldn't talk to him and wanted to fix things so badly.

you without him

you stopped coming to practices and hid in your room most of the  time, you wanted to talk to him but you thought that he was happier without you bothering him.

you guys sort things out

he finally told you in person what happened and you hugged him and apologized over and over but he wouldn't except that. 

he slaps your ass

you were in class and he did it when no one was looking but hit you a little too hard and you yelped holding your butt and looked at him "god damn dude, are you trying to cripple me?"

your first time cuddling each other.

you were awkward about it but the longer you two laid together the more comfortable you felt together.

sorry for not posting in forever but things have been crazy also thank you guys for your support with my stories it means a lot to me and i'm trying i promise. in case you haven't heard this in awhile, im proud of you, you're strong and important, I LOVE YOU!

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