Chapter Two: Pity Is The Fish

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Klaus's POV

"Elijah, this isn't Snow White. Nor a fairy tale of any kind! If you are aware of anything, you need to speak up!" I argue.
"Brother, I assure you. It was nothing." Elijah tells me and Freya.

"Elijah, you will not put my daughter at risk-" Freya interrupts me.
"Klaus, this is Elijah. He wouldn't lie to us. Let it be!" Freya retaliates.
I grimace and walk away.

"I'm going to see Marcellus. Don't wait up." I groan.

I leave my families estate with a chip on my shoulder. Yet, I was to busy to be concerned with Elijah's foolishness. It was far too early for it. And if he is lying, and puts Hope in jeapordy, repercussions will come later.

As of now, Marcel is expecting me. Alongside Vincent Griffith. My least biggest fan. Luckily, he hates Elijah more then he despises me. And trusts Marcel, who is more so or less on the outs with myself.

I walk past the Bar where Sophie Deveraux and later on my brave bartender, Camille worked. I frown a bit.
"A diamond made for a queen..."

I thought back to my talk with Elijah. Camille, she wasn't quite a queen as she was a warrior. She fought the hardest for everything she believed in, more then anyone I've ever known.
Though her life was cut short, her legacy lives on...


I meet Marcel and Vincent at the cemetery.
"Quite a cheerful place for our latest encounter. Wouldn't you say boys?!" I say walking towards the two.
"Now now Klaus. Let's keep the peace between the three of us!" Marcellus mediates.
"Or we could just kill him right here and now! We have the weapons these days!" Vincent argues.
"I could just as or even easier rip your heart out and use it as stuffing on Thanksgiving!" I say.
"What kind of animal thinks of that!?" Vincent looks at me disgusted.
"I don't know if you've noticed, Vincent, but I have a bit of a tendency to go for the extreme!" I exclaim.
"You're crazy!" Vincent argues.

"I think you mean, uniquely and mentally deranged. But crazy works as well!" I mock.

"Can we all just get along! This is business! Afterwards we can all go about our damn lives!" Marcel exclaims, agitated.

Vincent sighs.
"Alright then. What was so important that I had to come down here?" I ask.

"Well, Klaus. I think we have some trouble-" I interrupt Marcel.

"Pity is the fish out of water! What trouble could there be?" I groaned.
"If you'd just listen for once, Klaus!" Vincent snaps.

"Josh was attacked this morning. I don't know by what. But he said he couldn't move. That something whispered to him...
Anima Mea Est...
Do you have any idea what that could mean?" Marcellus questions.

"Apparently you didn't listen during Latin lessons very well-" Vincent interrupts me,
"It means, your soul is mine!" Vincent explains.
I chime in, "Precisely." I grin amused.

"What's so funny?!" Vincent asks.
"Joshua must be crazy. That or the devil has his tongue!" I chuckle.

This time Marcel was annoyed.
"Klaus! I don't have time for that crap. Do we know anybody who would do this?!" Marcel asks, fiercely.
"I'll let you know if I find anything out! Keep me updated!" I turn around and part ways with Vincent and Marcellus.


I once said
I haven't cared about anything for centuries...
Well, haven't the tables turned.

Once I made it back to the mansion, my now 9 year old. Littlest wolf, my Hope Mikaelson, was awake. And ran into my arms.

"Dad!" She gleemed.
"Hello Princess!" I smiled sincerely.
"Aunt Freya said you went to see Marcel! Is everything alright?" Hope asked me, with a twinkle in her eye.

"Everything is perfect, love. Nothing to worry about!" I answer.

Hope changed the subject, quickly

"Uncle Elijah hung up your painting. Why does he look sad in the painting?" Hope asked concerned.
"Well, that's how he looked in the original painting. But it got destroyed when you were very little." I explain.

"Well, mommy looks happy in it. Why not Elijah?" Hope wonders out loud.
"Well, uncle Elijah hadn't met your mother yet. So, he wasn't very happy. But mommy made that all better. So you don't have to worry!" I answer. I kiss Hope on the forehead.
"Well, when you're sad, who makes you feel better?" Hope questions as well.
"Why, you Hope." I answer.
"Besides me. Was their a girl like mommy for you?" Hope asks.
"Well, there was Camille. And long ago, not anymore, there was a cryptic girl named Aurora. But, when I lived in Mystic Falls. Out in Virgina, there was a very special girl... Her name was Caroline." I answer.

"That's the widow? Right?" Asks Hope.
"Yes." I frown,
"You were friends with her husband. Weren't you?" Hope hugs me again.
"Long ago, but that was years back." I hug Hope back.

Soon, Hope runs off to play.
Elijah walks up to me,

"Hope is a bright girl." Elijah grins.
"She must get that from Hayley." I say, gaining a chuckle from Elijah.
"Maybe that is true. But her abilities come mostly from your bloodline. And that's a gift that no one else can ever give her." Elijah explains.

"Elijah." I go silent.
"You've done good with that girl. You're a good father, Niklaus." Elijah compliments.
"I don't know what to say to that." I say.
"Then say nothing. I understand the silence. I know what you are trying to say, brother." Elijah walks away.

I grin and shake my head. I'd thank him if I could, I don't thank Elijah enough for all he's done for me. For my daughter. And most importantly, what he's done for Hayley.

I'll be grateful... Always and forever.

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