Chapter Seven: Brother

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Elijah's POV

"While we may not choose our family... Their bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret..."

Once Josh had left, the family was shaken.
Niklaus was angered.
"How dare Joshua show up uninvited and threaten our livelihood!" Niklaus flustered.
"Klaus, that wasn't exactly Josh." Freya says. I walk up to Niklaus and lay my hand on his shoulder.

"Let's take a walk brother." I say. Niklaus looks at my hand and nods.


Niklaus and I walk down the loud streets of New Orleans.
"Niklaus. We have to keep our composure. Our family can't function with both our minds wired." I explain,
"Life worked just fine when me and Kol were both that way!" Niklaus chuckled.
"I'm serous brother. There will be more blood shed if we are not careful!" I exclaim.
"Who will die next?! Surely not Davina, or Vincent! Certainly not Camille!" Niklaus growls,

"I see. You miss Cami." I say.
"I long for her, Elijah! I cry for her, and I don't cry easy! But that's not what I'm worried about!" Niklaus tells me.
"Then inform me brother. What is it that you are worried about?" I ask. Niklaus stops walking and is silent for a moment.

"I'm worried about you, Elijah. I have this feeling that I can't stop what's happening to you. That is what bothers me most. You let me believe in you, and I'm growing afraid that I'm not letting you believe in me." Niklaus confesses.

"Niklaus, every hardship we come by, we have powered through. Lucian, the ancestors, mother, Mikeal. The Red Reaper is just another hardship to defeat." I explain.
"Brother, what happens when you're gone, and we have to fight it on our own?" Niklaus argues.

"That time hasn't come, Niklaus." I remind.
"You really are cheerful for a man hellbent on dying, just yesterday." Niklaus smiles.
"Well, one more day and the twins will be here. Luckily for you, so will Caroline." I smirk,
"Don't get cheeky, Elijah." Niklaus playfully nudges me.

Niklaus and I stop by the bar. Of where, we come across Marcellus. Marcellus raises a toast towards us, and offers us a seat.
"The Mikealson brothers!" Marcel gleefully exclaims.
"Marcellus, we should talk." Niklaus insists.
"Josh came to your place, yada yada. Can't I just drink in peace!" Marcellus groans.
"I think you've drunk quite enough, Marcellus!" I say, reaching for his cup. Marcel pulls back.

"For a man with a death wish, you don't hide it to well! Huh!" Marcellus calls me out. Niklaus turns in his seat to look at me.
"What is this now?" Niklaus turns back towards Marcellus.
"Boys, let's not do this here!" I insist.
"Why not Elijah!? Vincent is dead, Josh is dead! Davina and Cami! Your brother should know about our deal!" Marcellus argues. I stand up,
"We should go Niklaus." I exclaim.

Niklaus doesn't budge.
"Tell me, Marcellus. What's this deal?" Niklaus questions.
"Your brother asked me to be the one to put him down, if it came down to it!" Marcellus confesses.

Niklaus stands and faces me.
"You selfish bastard, Elijah!" Niklaus pushes past me and heads outside. I follow.
"Brother, please listen!" I plead.
Niklaus stops in his tracks,
"Y'know Elijah, why should I care if you die! You obviously don't!" Niklaus growls.

"Do you think this is about me-" Niklaus interrupts me,
"Don't act as if you are a nobleman, here to spare all atrocities! You are a coward dressed in sheep's clothing." Niklaus starts to walk off again.

"Don't do this Klaus! Don't you walk away from me!" I yell.
"What will you do about it!" Niklaus keeps walking.
"Niklaus!" I holler. Niklaus joins a crowd and leaves my eye sight.

As I'm stuck alone, on the corner by the bar. I'm joined by a familiar chalk colored vampire.
"Wow, this day is absolutley, fabulously miserable for you!" Josh cackles.

"Joshua, you have no business here!" I exclaim.
"Neither do you!" Joshua shoves the Papa Tundes blade into me. I gasp. Before collapsing. Joshua drags me away.

I find myself awake and chained in Joshua's apartment. The blade still aching inside me.
"Elijah Mikealson... Who would ever have thought, that I could be the end of you!" Joshua smiled across from me, on his loveseat.
"Life hasn't treated you well, Joshua. And I'm sorry." I whimper in pain.

"Joshua doesn't exist anymore! If only you would take her offer! You could be powerful, your soul clueless! Cluelessly soulless! But yet, you decide to disobey. And Klaus won't even notice you're gone. Your time at the bar yesterday, caused quite the ruckus." Josh grins.

"Yesterday?" I ask.
"It took you one full night to awaken, and you hadn't even realised that it is a different day?... Oh Elijah, you amuse me!" Josh leaves the love seat and walks up to me.
"We can talk more later Mikealson Brother. For now, get some sleep!" Joshua snaps my neck and like that, I'm sent into slumber.

And again, I'm left to dream. But not alone. I see Camille. She looks right at me. And her eyes aren't bright red.
"What kind of disguise is that?!" I say, cautious.
"It's not a disguise, Elijah. I'm your conscious in the form of your brother's deceased lover." Camille tells me.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Straight to the point, like usual." Camille chuckles a light and familiar sound.
"Niklaus is worried about you. He had been up all night, scared he sent you into a rage. Mad at himself for leaving you. Blaming himself for you not coming home." Camille tells me.
"And how do you know that?!" I question.
"Because, Elijah. You and Klaus are connected. Always and Forever." Camille walks up to me.
"Don't worry, Elijah." Camille reassures me.
"I'll stay with you until you awake." Camille says. I smile.
"I can see what Niklaus saw in you." I chuckle.
"What can I say, Elijah. I'm a catch!" Camille chuckles as well.

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