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          * Time skip *

          I tried to hold in my excitement as I hopped out of my car and started to make my way up to Colson's front door. His house was beautiful... and huge. I reached the door and immediately started ringing the door bell over and over until I heard yelling come from the other side. "Shut the fuck up loud ass, i'm coming!" I heard Colson scream from behind the door. 

          The door opened to reveal my best friend wearing nothing but sweatpants and the lingering smell of weed following behind him.

 "I missed you." He said and pulled me into a tight hug. 

Tears of joy pricked my eyes. 

"I missed you more big brother" I replied with a huge grin plastered on my face.

"Dude we need to fucking smoke. You up for it?"

"Always. Who do you think I am?" I laughed.

"My boy is here too, I think you'd vibe with him. Not sure if you've met him before but his names Pete." Colson said with an excited smile.

          He lead me into the living room where I immediately met eyes with a man. A gorgeous man to be exact. He had slightly sunken eyes, his brown hair was peaking out from the sides of his hat, and he was wearing a yellow jacket. Interesting choice, but I like it. My eyes lingered on his tattooed hands but my trance was cut short when his lips curved into a huge grin and he got up from where he was sitting and made his way over to us.

"Hey i'm Pete." He said. 

His voice was deep and raspy, I love it. A blush creeped it's way onto my face and I tried my best to conceal whatever attraction I was feeling.

"I'm Anastasia, but you can call me Stas." 

"So, you smoke?" He asked

"No I think that's disgusting. Weed is just a gateway drug, that shit ruins people's lives." I said trying to keep my face as serious as possible.

"Oh. Um, alright?" His face twisted into a mix of confusion.

"Joking. Of course I do" I chuckled.

          His face changed back into that beautiful smile as he let out a low chuckle and we all sat down on Colson's couch. Since his couch was U shaped we all sat on different sides so we could see each other. 

"Stas, will you do the honour and roll up?" Colson smiled knowing my skills with rolling were unmatched.

          I grinned and picked up the grinder and twisted off the side. Pete stared while Colson passed me the weed and I started to grind it up. We had light small talk throughout and I finally got to rolling. I sprinkled the weed on the paper and continued the process licking the paper and sealing it. I look up and see Pete staring at me with a blush creeping onto his face. 

"What are you staring at? You think you can one up me?" I joked.

"No..." He giggled. "That was just like... all seductive and shit"

A laugh escaped my mouth and I playfully hit him in the arm. 

"Yea? you're lucky that you're cute." I said rolling my eyes while still laughing.

"Dude stop fucking flirting this is gross you guys just met. Like at least give it a fuckin hour." Colson interrupted, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to escape.

          Colson always found it annoying when his friends would flirt with me, but something was different here, he didn't seem to care as much. I always enjoyed Colson's protectiveness though, he was like a brother to me and it made me see how much he truly cared. He was one of the only people that I felt really truly loved me.

          I brought the joint to my lips and I sparked the lighter, inhaling and blowing out the smoke. After this we passed the joint around until it was done, me and Pete sharing glances every once in awhile throughout the group conversation. I liked Pete, he seemed like a good guy and hes really funny. A good sense of humour is always something I love with people. 

"Someone put some music on" I said groaning.

"What do you fuck with?" Pete replied.

"Cudi. Anything Cudi is perfect." 

"I fucking love Kid Cudi. That man is the greatest musician to ever live." 



*Day N' Nite playing faintly in the background*

          We had all collectively decided that we've reached a pretty good high and we should chill on the weed until it started to wear off again. My body was numb and eyes were heavy as I felt as if I was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into my slump on the ever so soft couch. 

"I'm gonna change" I said out of nowhere as I got up and walked to where my bag was at the front of the house. 

          I grabbed my matching set of beige Yeezy sweatpants and hoodie and walked over to the bathroom. I locked the door and changed into the comfy clothes that I was eager to get into and looked at myself in the mirror. I was feeling a little better about my appearance today until I got here. What if Pete thought I was ugly? What if he expected me to show up in a cute outfit? Why am I so nervous right now? It's just one of Colson's friends, I tried to reassure myself - but not succeeding. I grabbed my old clothes off of the floor, put them into my bag and started to walk back over to where the boys were. 

"Dude that might just be the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, and she's so funny and like... down to earth. I actually really fuck with her Colson" I heard Pete say faintly from the other side of the room. My face was overcome with happiness while I tried to stay quiet.

"Yeah well why do you think we're so close, she's like my little sister. She's amazing." Colson replied. "I'll talk to her and see what she thinks about you but from what i'm seeing so far she seems like she fucks with you too." I smiled hearing how Colson thought so highly of me.

          Their conversation was cut off when Pete looked up and saw me entering the room. Colson and Pete smirked slyly at the same time. 

"Hello boys, anyone wanna do something fun?" I said chuckling.

"A classic game of questions?" Colson replied.

"I'm down if Pete is."

"Hell yeah but make the questions good. Like, no 'What's your favourite colour?' type shit." Pete laughed.

"Okay Colson you ask first."

my beautiful boy - PETE DAVIDSON X OC *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now