Chapter 2

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I was startled awake by a loud noise from towards the front of the store. In the darkness of what looked like early morning- if the sky lights were any indication- I was sure I could hear gunfire.

I looked over at Josh and then Taylah, both of them already awake, looking towards the front of the store, with terror sprawled across their faces.

"You two," I hissed, and they looked at me, though their expressions didn't change,

"I'm gonna go check it out. I want both of you to follow me but stay out of sight okay?"

"Okay," Taylah agreed.

"If things go badly, you run," I commanded, and Taylah nodded.

I hopped off the couch and began walking towards the front of the store, trying to be as quiet as I could. I walked through the clothes area heading towards the registers. Coming out from the isle of clothes that I used as my cover, I saw the security gate fly up, then two guys ran through, one shooting while the other lowered the gate. He slammed the gate into the ground and the monstrous people slammed into it, clawing and reaching for them through the gaps in the gate as they groaned and made other weird noises.

"Shit!" I mumbled to myself as I realised I forgot to lock the gate last night.

Two men stood at the gate and watched the creatures reached for them and pile up. One of the guys had black hair and was wearing a hat while the other guy was a redhead. They both had guns, and apparently a lot of ammunition.

Shooting is just going to lure more. They weren't deaf. I stood up properly and watched them for a second longer.

"Hey, are you two okay?" I called over the register, and it turned out I was dead wrong, as a massive hole appeared in the sign beside me.

They were about as friendly as a tyrannosaurs with an itch on it's back.

"I'll take that as a no," I hissed, over the ringing in my ears, then I looked over my shoulder near the clothes area. I could see Josh and Taylah, hiding there, being completely still and quiet. I saw that the two hadn't grabbed everything we had but there was no time for that now. I looked directly at Taylah and she looked directly at me. 'Run,' I mouthed and pointed to the exit in the opposite direction. Luckily this store had two entries.

Taylah and Josh moved back and began heading toward the exit.

I stood up, baseball bat in hand, and raised my hands near my head.

"I'm not dangerous," I assured them. The red haired guy snorted, and spat onto the ground.

Pleasant fellow.

I decided against saying anything other than that, as the man with the hat was pointing his gun at me.

"Cool fedora," slipped out of my mouth, and then he seemed to aim for my head as he got closer.

"Are you alone?" He snapped, completely ignoring my compliment, which irked me a little, but I let it go. I watched the red head walk towards me and this other loony.

"Other than you two? Yep," I assured him, and he frowned, then shoved a fist into my stomach so fast I didn't even see it coming.

I coughed loudly as the pain flooded my body, and the air seeped from my lungs. I felt saliva dribble down my chin as I hit the ground, and gasped for air.

"No smart-ass shit. Are you alone?" He growled, pointing the gun point-blank at me.

"Y-yes," I spluttered.

"Red, what've we got here in the way of supplies?" The man with the hat asked, his eyes not moving from me.

"Half eaten shit. Looks like this rat has had a feast," the red-haired man called, as he looked around, and The Hatted man's jaw twitched as he glowered at me.

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